What we expect from library users

Maintaining a respectful and safe space, and equitable and open access to Libraries resources are of the utmost importance to us. If you violate any Guidelines on Conduct you may be suspended from access to all Library facilities and resources for a period of time and, if necessary, reported to the University’s authority on Non-Academic Misconduct, the Associate Vice-President Student Affairs for further consideration. The University of Victoria has zero tolerance for violent or unlawful behaviour. Library users engaging in such behaviour will be removed from the premises by Campus Security or police. 

This learning environment with shared materials, spaces, and resources requires collaboration to maintain a culture of scholarship, open academic inquiry, and respect. Users of UVic Libraries are expected to be respectful towards Libraries staff, users, facilities, and resources at all times.

Library users will: 

  1. Treat all library users with respect. Intimidation, racism, bullying, or aggression are not tolerated and will result in removal from the Library by Campus Security and may result in an investigation into non-academic misconduct by the Office of Student Life. 
  2. Exhibit respectful and courteous behavior towards library staff, library spaces, and library materials. 
  3. Use library resources including spaces, equipment, hardcopy materials, and electronic materials in a responsible manner while adhering to loan policies and copyright guidelines. 
  4. Monitor their belongings at all times, and not leave any personal items unattended. UVic Libraries is not responsible for theft or damages that occur while using UVic Libraries. 
  5. Set cellphone ringers to silent and move to designated areas for quiet cellphone conversations: 
    • Lobby entrance 
    • Enclosed McPherson Library stairwell 
    • Bibliocafé 
    • Study rooms 
  6. Enjoy food and covered drinks while being mindful of other library users and library staff by: 
    • Keeping a lid on drinks 
    • "Leave no trace" for other library users by disposing of garbage and recycling in appropriate receptacles. Compost bins are located inside the Bibliocafe in Mearns-McPherson Library, and inside the Student Lounge in the Fraser building
    • Wiping up your spills and notifying Ask Us Desk staff about spills or garbage issues by texting 778-400-4518 or calling 250-721-8230
    • Not putting liquids in garbage bins
    • Respecting that food and drinks are not permitted in Special Collections and Archives 
    • Not ordering food deliveries to the Libraries

Prohibited conduct includes: 

  1. Engaging in behavior that is unsafe or harmful to self or others, including assaulting, harassing, intimidating, or threatening another individual or group.
  2. Engaging in theft, vandalism, or destruction of University of Victoria property.
  3. Smoking, including the use of vapes/e-cigarettes, consuming alcohol, and/or possession/distribution of controlled substances.
  4. Engaging in sexual activity, indecent exposure, harassment, stalking, or making unwanted or inappropriate advances both in-person and online.
  5. Possessing or storing real or replica weapons including knives, guns, explosives (including fireworks), ammunition, and toxic or otherwise dangerous materials.
  6. Disturbing others by creating excessive noise in designated quiet study areas, peddling, or soliciting within the Libraries.
  7. Posting or distributing notices, posters, stickers, and similar materials without approval from the UVSS or UVic Libraries.
  8. Using the Libraries as living quarters or sleeping space.
  9. Use of cell phones outside of designated areas.
  10. Photographing or capturing images of library users or library staff.