
"Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, UVic is transitioning from face-to-face to alternative modes of instruction and evaluation for the remainder of this term." See announcement made by President Cassels March 13, 2020.  If you need any assistance with copyright during this transition, please contact .

UVic's  Intellectual Property Policy (GV0215)  has been updated as of September 2019. For more information please contact UVic Research.

UVic's new Copyright Compliance and Administration Policy is in force as of September 2017. Fair Dealing Guidelines previously appended to UVic policy IM7700 are now appended to IM7310.

UVic's License Agreement with Access Copyright

The University will not renew its Model License Agreement with Access Copyright after December 31, 2015.  See campus memo for further details.

UVic’s Copyright transition strategy affecting coursepacks:

The University opted out of the Access Copyright License on December 31, 2015. This means that we will be relying on fair dealing limits, as written in the Copyright Act , and the university’s fair dealing guidelines, for coursepack clearance.

The guidelines allow for 1 article from a journal issue, a chapter or 10%, of a source, whichever is greater. 

Fair dealing does NOT cover the reproduction of entire out of print books. If you wish to use material beyond fair dealing limits, we require 2-3 months lead time every term, so we can secure permission directly from the publisher.

Should you have any questions please contact the Copyright Office.

The Copyright Office makes every effort to provide accurate information but does not offer it as counsel or legal advice.