Licensing your work

Intellectual property

You put a lot of time and research into your work and now it's time to publish it!
Before you sign any agreements with a publisher, you need to know your
rights as an author.

See also: UVic's Policy on Intellectual Property.

In the case of an invention, see UVic industry partnerships for more information.

What does copyright protect?

From the moment your work exists in a fixed form, it is protected in Canada
by copyright law. The Canadian Copyright Act protects both your economic and
moral rights as an author.

What can you do as an author?

  • Reproduce your work (publish, make copies, reformat, etc.)
  • Create derivative works (edit or build upon an existing piece of scholarship)
  • Distribute the work (publish, republish, give away, sell, etc.)
  • Perform, display, or broadcast your work in public
  • Receive attribution and build your reputation

Peruse the copyright primer for more information on this topic.