Personal Librarian Program

Bill and Justin - UVic Librarians

Your personal librarian will contact you occasionally throughout the year to let you know about what the library can offer to help make your first year experience as successful as possible. You can also contact your personal librarian any time with questions about your research, essays and assignments.

Ask your personal librarian about:

◾ Library policies and services
◾ Finding information for your research assignments,
◾ Directing you to the Research Help Desk at the Mearns Centre for Learning-McPherson Library, or refering you to other services in the Library.
◾ New resources and programs especially for students, as well as notices and timely reminders, such as extended hours during exams
◾ Where to start when you can’t think of what to do next with your research
◾ Referring you to campus resources and services

More information


Visit our Personal Librarian Program Open House outside the library on Friday, September 28 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Drop by and say hi! There are prizes to be won!