TA Conference Certificate: Fall and Spring (non-credit)

To be awarded a TA Conference Certificate (non-credit) by the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI), you are required to complete the following:

  1. Attend six workshops

Attend six (6) or more individual sessions throughout the fall or spring conference.

  1. Submit a reflective essay

Submit a two-three page reflective essay about the workshops that answers the following questions:

  • What were the most significant thing(s) you learned? Provide three specific examples.
  • From what you learned, what did you use immediately or will use in the future in your role as an academic professional?

Make sure your name, department and e-mail address are on your reflective essay. It must be written in essay form with proper spelling and grammar, in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Please adhere to the University of Victoria’s policy on Academic Integrity and submit your own work.

Application process and deadline

Please send the reflective writing piece to the LTSI Administrative Assistant no later than September 30th for the fall conference and January 30th for the spring conference. After your attendance is confirmed at the sessions, your submission will be assessed and you will be issued the TAC Conference Certificate (non-credit) by email.