Law co-op

Law Co-op program
Combine the knowledge you've gained in the classroom with practical experiences in the workplace by participating in Canada's only comprehensive common law co-operative education program. Law co-op students alternate study terms with exciting full-time paid legal work in Canada and overseas.
If you are not sure where your law degree will lead you, law co-op gives you the opportunity to work with a variety of legal employers to help you determine your career path.
You will obtain a wide range of practical experience and explore different career options as you work alongside legal professionals. You will graduate with a great résumé, a strong repertoire of practical legal skills and knowledge, and a valuable network of contacts.
Law Work Experience Program (LWEP)
Students enrolled in the JD/JID program can enrol in LWEP. LWEP will be managed through the Law Co-op Office and admission will take place during the Fall term of 2L of the JD/JID program.
LWEP will provide JD/JID students with the opportunity to complete one work term with a legal employer to gain work experience in the legal profession. Given the academic schedule for the JD/JID, this work term will typically take place during the summer after 2L or 3L. Students can work with the Law Co-op Coordinator to determine what works best given their individual circumstances.
Admission to Law Co-op and LWEP
Students registered in first-year Law of the JD Program are eligible for admission to the Law Co-op Program.
Students enrolled in second year of the JD/JID Program are eligible for admission to LWEP.
Particiaption in Law Co-op and LWEP will be in accordance with the Law Co-op Regulations and policies/procedures outlined in the Law Co-op Student Handbook.
Keep in touch with the Law Co-op office after you have launched your career! You could be a guest speaker during an information session or co-op class, or act as a mentor within the legal community for current law students. It's a great opportunity to share your UVic Law Co-op knowledge and experience.
Hiring a law co-op student
To hire a co-op student, submit a completed job description to the Law Co-op office. Placements must be 12 weeks in length, be supervised by a legal professional, and provide an appropriate learning opportunity for a law student. We will post the position on UVic's Learning in Motion job posting database and work with you to facilitate the hiring process.
Employers are involved in evaluating their co-op students. They participate in the mid-point workplace visit and complete an online competency assessment at the middle and end of the work term.
Benefits to employers
Law Co-op students are diligent and ambitious employees with well-developed legal research and writing skills. They are knowledgeable about recent developments in the law and bring a fresh perspective to the workplace. Hiring co-op students is an effective way to address immediate and short-term staffing needs in the workplace.
Student Testimonials
Read about some of our student's coop experiences here.
Once accepted into the law co-op program, we will work closely with you, to prepare and plan for your work-terms. We will co-ordinate the placement process from interview to job offer, and will communicate with employers on your behalf until a job offer has been extended and accepted.
We have a very successful track record and it is rare for a student not to be placed in a work term. However, there is no guarantee of placement.
The more flexible you are in terms of the type of job and its location, the easier it will be to secure a co-op work term. Participating in a co-op program is like taking another course and involves similar responsibilities. The workload includes preparing a résumé and cover letter, researching employers, preparing for interviews and attending student preparation sessions.
You have the option of participating in your first work term after completing your first year of legal studies and after you’ve taken a mandatory co-op class to help you prepare for your work placement. The co-op class takes place during your first year and topics covered include the preparation of cover letters and résumés, researching employers, interview skills, professional responsibility, civil procedure, learning objectives and job skills. Completing a work term during the summer after your first year is optional, and some students wait until the fall or spring terms of their second year to participate in their first work term.
Students must complete at least two work terms in order to obtain the co-op designation. Consecutive work terms or academic terms are only possible with permission. Check the law co-op website or visit our office (FRA room 140) in person for more information on scheduling.
You will be encouraged to complete work terms with different types of legal employers - such as, government, private law firms, and public interest organizations. Some students complete more than two work terms, however, these are considered optional and students scheduled to complete a mandatory work term have priority when applying for posted co-op positions.
The Law Co-op program allows you to work in different areas of the legal profession before embarking on your career. We encourage you to apply for positions that best suit your interests and abilities, but you have an ideal opportunity to demonstrate your work flexibility and try several positions with various types of legal employers and in different geographic locations. We are available to help determine which positions would be appropriate for you.
If you are scheduled to begin a work term, you may apply for jobs that are posted on the UVic Learning in Motion website. When applying for jobs, you must follow the application instructions listed on each job description. We will forward your applications to employers, who then choose the applicants they wish to interview.
Job interviews will take place throughout the academic term before your work term and may take place on campus, at the employer’s office or by telephone. Employers will advise our office once they have selected the successful candidate and we will extend the job offer. You will typically have 24 hours to decide whether you will accept a job offer. All communication with employers is done by the staff of the law co-op office until a job offer has been extended and accepted.
You can also attempt to set up your own co-op placements after consulting with us. The placement cannot be with an existing co-op employer and it must be approved by the law co-op coordinator.
Read the Law Co-op student handbook for more details. We also suggest that you read the Co-op Regulations and Co-op Terms and Conditions documents.
You are evaluated on your written work and your work performance during a work term using an online competency based assessment framework. The Law Co-op coordinator will visit the workplace at the mid-point of your term to meet with you and your supervisor. The purpose of the workplace visit is to ensure that the work term is benefiting both the student and the employer, and to deal with any issues of concern. We are also available to speak to you at any point during the work term. When the workplace is outside of Victoria, these consultations may be conducted by phone, email or skype.
The employer and the law co-op coordinator will evaluate you at the end of the work term. You must submit a work-term report, which is a sample of a written piece of work that was completed while on the work term. You must also participate in individual and group debriefing sessions.
For more information about law co-op competency-based assessments, please refer to the Law Co-op section of UVic's Co-operative Education Program and Career Services website.
Read the Law Co-op student handbook for more details. We also suggest that you read the Co-op Regulations and Co-op Terms and Conditions documents.
- Read a work term report