JIBS-JIBP Paper Development Workshop (PDW)

The Academy of International Business will hold a joint Paper Development Workshop (PDW) of the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of International Business Policy. The workshop is part of the virtual 2020 AIB-Canada Chapter & iBEGIN Conference.

The purpose of the PDW is to provide scholars with developmental feedback on their international business research. We invite original papers from authors who have not previously published in the journals JIBS or JIBP. We particularly encourage submissions from Ph.D. students and junior scholars who seek feedback on their research projects, or scholars who are trained in disciplines less commonly associated with the field (e.g.  economic geography, innovation studies, political science) but are interested in targeting international business journals. The paper does not need to be connected to the iBEGIN & AIB-Canada Chapter Conference theme.

PDW participants will receive feedback on their work from experienced international business scholars on the JIBS or JIBP Editorial Board. The workshop will start with an introductory session on publishing in these journals, led by JIBS Area Editor Klaus Meyer and JIBP Deputy Editor Ari Van Assche. Authors will then be paired with experienced scholars to discuss their paper.

Please address any questions about the PDW to: Klaus Meyer, JIBS Area Editor at kmeyer@ivey.ca, Ari Van Assche, JIBP Deputy Editor at van-assche@jibp.net or the conference organizers at ibeginaibcanada@uvic.ca.