
Becky Reuber

Becky Reuber is Professor of Strategic Management at Rotman. Her research focuses on the growth strategies of entrepreneurial organizations, including internationalization, opportunity creation and the use of social media.  She is Area Editor for International Entrepreneurship at the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and is a member of the editorial board of Academy of Management PerspectivesJournal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. She served as Associate Editor of Family Business Review from 2008-2014 and is currently on the journal’s Advisory Board.

Roy Suddaby

Roy Suddaby is the Winspear Chair of Management at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, Canada. He also holds the Chair in Organization Theory at the Management School at the University of Liverpool, UK an Honorary Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and is an adjunct Professor at Ritsumeikan University, Japan.

Professor Suddaby is an internationally regarded scholar of organizational theory and institutional change. His work has contributed to our understanding of the critical role of symbolic resources – legitimacy, authenticity, identity and history – in improving an organization’s competitive position. His current research examines the changing social and symbolic role of the modern corporation and the intersection of craft and science in innovation.

Roy is a past editor of the Academy of Management Review and is or has been an editorial board member of the Academy of Management JournalAdministrative Science QuarterlyOrganization StudiesJournal of Management Studies, and the Journal of Business Venturing. He has won best-paper awards from the Academy of Management JournalAdministrative Science Quarterly, and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada as well as the Greif Research Impact Award from the Academy of Management.

Roy was recently named JMI Scholar by the Western Academy of Management. Thompson Reuters identified Roy as one of the world’s most highly cited researchers in business and economics in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

Max von Zedtwitz

Max von Zedtwitz's research focuses on global innovation, specifically, how organizations overcome and leverage distance to innovate successfully. This research helps firms capitalize on their innovation potential, especially technology and R&D-related opportunities, in the context of changing global markets, emerging competitors, and disruptive technologies.

Max is Managing Director of the Research Center for Global R&D and Innovation (GLORAD), a network he founded in 2003 to facilitate joint research for PhD students at Tsinghua and the University of St. Gallen. The network has since grown to include researchers in Silicon Valley, Brazil, Russia, and Europe. He has visiting faculty appointments at KTU in Lithuania, USP in Sao Paulo, and SDU in Odense, Denmark. Previously, he was a professor of technology management at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Skoltech in Moscow, and IMD in Lausanne. He also was a vice president/associate partner with PRTM Management Consultants in Shanghai, and ran (and later sold) a technology intelligence firm he founded in Hong Kong and Shanghai. After obtaining a PhD from the University of St. Gallen and a MSc in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, he was a postdoc at Harvard University.

David Teece

David J. Teece is an economist and an authority on matters of industrial organization, technological change, and innovation, particularly as it relates to antitrust and competition policy and intellectual property. He is the Thomas W. Tusher Professor in Global Business and Director of the Tusher Center on Intellectual Capital at Berkeley Haas, and a member of the board of overseers for the faculty of arts and sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. Teece has a PhD in economics from the University of Pennsylvania and has held teaching and research positions at Stanford University and Oxford University. He has received eight honorary doctorates.

Teece has over 30 years of experience as an active consultant performing economic, business, and financial consulting services to businesses and governments around the world. He has worked on matters in industries ranging from music recording to DRAMS, software, lumber, and petroleum, and has testified in both federal and state court, before Congress, and before the Federal Trade Commission, as well as in several international jurisdictions.

He is the author of more than 200 books and articles, and is the Co-editor of Industrial & Corporate Change (Oxford University Press). According to Science Watch (November/December 2005), he is the lead author on the most cited article in economics and business worldwide from 1995 to 2005. He is also one of the Top 10 cited scholars for the last decade and has been recognized by Accenture as one of the world’s top-50 business intellectuals. Teece is Chairman and Principal Executive Officer of Berkeley Research Group and was chairman and co-founder of LECG from 1988-2007 and vice-chairman from 2007 to 2009.

Joanne Lebert

Joanne Lebert joined IMPACT in 2011 and leads our work to improve how natural resources are managed where security and human rights are at risk. Her work has focused on contributing to responsibly-sourced, conflict-free minerals and she has helped Central African governments launch and implement a regional strategy to tackle conflict minerals. Joanne is a policy advisor, frequent guest speaker, and trainer to policymakers, private sector representatives, and civil society organizations.

Previously, Joanne was based at the University of Ottawa’s Human Rights Research and Education Centre. She focused on gender-based violence in conflict settings in Africa and how it is impacted by the extractives industry. She was also Deputy Director of the Canadian non-profit, Peacebuild, where she worked to strengthen Canadian foreign policy options and practice. She carried out anthropological fieldwork for her doctoral studies in Namibia and Angola and was a Visiting Fellow in Refugee Studies at the University of Oxford. She has lectured at Carleton University and worked for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, Amnesty International, and CARE International in Zambia.

Kevin Telmer

Kevin Telmer received his PhD from the University of Ottawa in Geochemistry and held a tenured Professorship at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria from 1999 until 2011 before taking the lead position at the Artisanal Gold Council. He started his work in artisanal mining in 1995 in the Brazilian Amazon and in the following 20 years has worked in numerous countries across three continents. He has extensive experience in technical, policy, and business capacities in the field with miners, governments, international institutions, and industry. He has become a world renowned expert and a voice on the international stage with numerous publications on the issue, including authoring the global estimate on mercury use in artisanal gold mining used to negotiate the Minimata Convention.

Creating sustainable business opportunities for investors and the bullion and jewelry markets while improving the economics, health and environment of miners and their communities in collaboration with governments is a direction that Dr. Telmer brings to the council. A primary goal is to increase responsible artisanal gold production to volumes that are significant relative to the size of the burgeoning secto

Mathy Stanislaus

Mathy Stanislaus was nominated by President Obama to be the Assistant Administrator in EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) and began in his service on 2009 after U.S. Senate confirmation. A chemical engineer and environmental lawyer with over 20 years’ of private and public sector experience. He is leading the effort to transition to a life-cycle based sustainable materials management. He is represented the United States in the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency the first G7 effort to advance a circular economy through materials recovery. He led the finalization of the Definition of Solid Waste rule to advance providing protections for vulnerable communities from the mismanagement of recycling facilities while fostering the increased manufacturing opportunities of recycling of recovered materials. He leads EPA’s efforts to advance the Obama Administration’s Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership, the Administration’s effort to expand manufacturing opportunities. Mr. Stanislaus was recognized by the Council of Development Finance Agencies for his efforts to align EPA’s brownfield resources with local development finance, winning their 2014 Excellence in Development Finance Award. He established the innovative EPA Area Wide Brownfields grant program, to enable the development of community-wide improvement plans and infrastructure investments to catalyze equitable community redevelopment opportunities.