
Books published by department members since 2008

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009



Towards a New Ethnohistory
John Lutz, Keith Thor Carlson, David M. Schaepe, Naxaxalhts’i – Albert “Sonny” McHalsie (Editors)

Brian McKercher

Britain, America, and the Special Relationship Since 1941
 A Woman in Between  
John Price with Ningping Yu

Brian McKercher and Antoine Capet (Editors)

Winston Churchill: At War and Thinking of War before 1939

Winston Churchill: At War and Thinking of War before 1939

The Collectors: A History of the Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives

Pat Roy

The Collectors: A History of the Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives

Elizabeth Vibert and Deborah Curran, Cameron Owens and Helga Thorson (Editors)

Out There Learning: Critical Reflections on Off-Campus Study Programs

Out There Learning

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