Our graduate students

MA Student
Ancient History, Near East Studies, Achaemenid empire, Greek history, especially fifth and fourth centuries 
Office: CLE B432
MA Student
Greek art and archaeology, ceramics, craft production, cross-cultural interactions, post-colonial approaches in archaeology, and issues of accessibility in archaeology
MA Student
Classical reception, Women writers, Translation theory, Early childhood literature
Office: CLE B425
MA student
Greek and Roman mythology, Greek and Roman religion and religious practices. The origins of cult practices and religious festivals.
Office: CLE B432
MA Student
Roman history and literature, numismatics, women’s and gender history, gender in politics, the role of motherhood in Imperial Roman society
MA student
Roman poetry (esp. Lucretius, Catullus, Vergil); early Greek poetry (Homer, Hesiod, lyric); ancient novels (esp. Longus, Petronius); gender and sexuality in the ancient world
Office: CLE B432
MA Student
Greek art and archaeology with interests in epigraphy, ceramics, and regional identities, especially of the Archaic period
Office: CLE B432

Recent Graduates and their PhD/MA Theses


  • Galumbeck, Alix (2024-03-19)

The Cultic Significance of Wheelmade Terracotta Figures in Late Helladic III C Eleon, Greece

  • Allen, Alyssa (2024-01-05)

Stelai in the Shaft Grave Period: A Case Study of Mycenae and Eleon

  • Evans, Scott (2023-09-01)

The Odyssey of Obsidian: A Re-evaluation of Chipped Stone in the Late Bronze Age Aegean

  • MacIlroy, Allie (2022-08-31)

On the Margins of Manhood: Examining Physical Gender Atypicality Among Men in Imperial Roman Society 

  •  Nicchitta, Novella (2021-02-01)

Suppose it's Sulpicia: a reading of the Corpus Sulpicianum

  • Douglas, David (2020-01-28)

A study in Epicurean poetics: Virgil's ecologues

  •  Lohrasbe, Devon (2018-08-29)

The classical reception of the hybrid minotaur

  • Barney, Neil (2018-08-07)

Beyond the speaker: the audience in Seneca the Elder

  • Van Roessel, Arnoldus (2018-05-23)

Pliny the elder's history: recording the past in the Naturalis historia

  • MacDonald, Max K. (2017-08-31)

Textile tools and production at a Mycenaean secondary centre 

  • Tee, Lauren (2016-09-02)

Foedera naturae in Lucretius' De rerum natura 

  • Butler, Graham (2015-09-08)

Athenian and American Slaving Ideologies and Slave Stereotypes in Comparative Perspective 

  • Beauvais, Glenn E. (2015-08-27)

Charis and Hybris in Pindaric Cosmology 

  • Kirkpatrick, Aidan (2015-06-22)

The image of the city in antiquity: tracing the origins of urban planning, Hippodamian Theory, and the orthogonal grid in Classical Greece 

  • Binus, Joshua Robert (2014-06-04)

Betrayed, Berserk, and Abandoned: War Trauma in Sophocles' Ajax and Philoctetes 

  • Bullard, Eva (2013-09-03)

Marcomannia in the making 

  • Henderson, Georgina Jane (2013-09-03)

Spiral Fluted Columns and the Mechanical Screw: The History of a Mathematical Idea in Ancient Architecture and Mechanical Technology 

  • Harvey, Craig Andrew (2013-08-28)

Tubuli and their Use in Roman Arabia, with a Focus on Humayma (Ancient Hauarra) 

  • Coad, Diotima (2013-04-22)

Pauline Christianity as a Stoic Interpretation of Judaism 

  • Van Damme, Trevor (2012-08-30)

Remembering the Mycenaeans: how the ancient Greeks repurposed their prehistoric past 

  • Pass, Angelica (2012-08-30)

Juvenal, Martial and the Augustans: an analysis of the production and reception of satiric poetry in Flavian Rome 

  • Koon, Kelsey Marie (2012-08-29)

Granaries and the grain supply of Roman frontier forts: case studies in local grain production from Hauarra (Jordan), Vindolanda (Britain), and Vindonissa (Switzerland) 

  • Romney, Jessica (2012-04-11)

The Rhetoric of cohesion: allusions to Homeric heroes in Tyrtaeus’ poetry. 

  • Brill, Lindsey Nicole Elizabeth (2011-12-13)

Ubiquitous mulomedici: the social, economic, and agronomic significance of the veterinarian to the Roman world. 

  • Bishop, Lara (2011-08-31)

The transformation of administrative towns in Roman Britain 

  • Ongaro, Katherine (2011-08-08)

Ovid's Fasti: history re-imagined. 

  • Koester, Kristen Ann (2011-06-24)

Augustine's letters: negotiating absence. 

  • Littlechilds, Rebecca Leigh (2011-06-02)

The epitaphs of Damasus and the transferable value of persecution for the Christian community at Rome in the fourth-century AD 

  • Deminion, Mary Alana (2011-06-02)

Staging morality: studies in the "Lex Iulia de Adulteriis" of 18 BCE. 

  • Prior, Jonathan David (2010-11-15)

Makers and their marks: the ancient function and modern usefulness of stamps on glass and ceramics 

  • Mayes, Lauren (2010-08-30)

Deals and women's subjectivity in Euripides' "Alcestis" and "Medea" 

  • Ross, Tina (2010-02-03)

Winged representations of the soul in ancient Greek art from the late Bronze Age through the Classical period 

  • Moss, Brian William (2010-01-25)

Programmatic use of rare Homeric words in the Epigrams of Callimachus 

  • Miller, Peter John (2009-08-20)

Alcman's Partheneion and the Near East 

  • Klapecki, Derek Vincent (2008-10-30)

The Roman mosaics of Humayma, Jordan. 

  • Kavadas, Richard J.P. (2008-04-24)

No mere mouthpiece: An examination of the Hesiodic farmer 

  • Ramsey, Gillian Catherine. (2008-04-10)

Kingship in Hellenistic Bactria 

  • Cook, Ronald James. (2008-04-10)

An archaeological examination of towers in Arabia in their social, economic and geographical context : field survey and excavation of purported Roman military towers near the fort at al-Humayma (ancient Hawara), Jordan 

  • Nikolic, Milorad (2008-02-28)

Cross-disciplinary investigation of ancient long-distance water pipelines 

  • Scarth, Elizabeth-Anne Louise (2007-09-20)

Mnemotechnics and Virgil: the art of memory and remembering 

  • Nay, Jamie P. (2007-08-30)

Citizenship, culture and ideology in Roman Greece 

  • Prest, Sarah A.C. (2007-08-29)

Tragedy and transformation: generic tension and apotheosis in Ovid's Metamorphoses