Why Professional Communication?

Professional Communication students, Maddy Morrison Tia Gilmor

The English department's Professional Communication program will teach you the skills you need to succeed as a writer, whether your career path leads you to business, government, industry, science, or a profession. You'll be prepared for today's digital workplace, ready to use new media to solve the problems of professional communication.

Who's eligible?

If you've declared a major or an honours program in any of the disciplines UVic offers, you're eligible to declare a minor in the English department's Professional Communication program. You'll combine your knowledge of your discipline with the ability to communicate it to other professionals and to general readers.

Don't worry if you haven't yet declared a minor in English Department's Professional Communication program. You can still take our courses if you have the prerequisites. Just register for our courses in the normal way; we welcome students from all faculties and programs across the university.

Need more information?

Email the program adviser, Rebecca Halliday: pcadviser@uvic.ca