
The university expects students to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. University policy allows an instructor to refuse a student admission to class because of lateness, misconduct, inattention, or failure to meet the responsibilities of the course. According to the UVic calendar, students who neglect their academic work, including assignments, may be refused permission to write the final examination in a course.

If you miss more than 25% of scheduled class sessions - that is, six sessions in a class that meets twice a week or nine sessions in a class that meets three times a week - for any reason, you will not be permitted to sit the final exam without an academic concession.   

Class attendance during the add/drop period

Students registered in AWR-designated courses will be dropped from their class section during the semester add/drop period (first two weeks of classes) if they do not attend class or contact their instructor with a suitable explanation for their absence.

AWR-designated classes always fill and have long waitlists. None attending registered students will be dropped to make room for attending waitlisted students. 

Waitlisted students

Students that are registered on a AWR-designated class waitlist must attend class during the semester add/drop period (first two weeks of class) in order to keep their place on the waitlist. If students do not attend classes or contact the instructor with a suitable explanation for their absence, they will be dropped from the class waitlist.

In order for students enrolled in AWR-designated courses to receive the best possible instruction, classes must be a small as possible. Right now that's a cap of 30 students for ATWP 135 and ENGL 146; the ENGL 147 lecture is large, but tutorial sections are capped at 20. Enrolling students above the class cap is detrimental to the learning environment. For that reason, we will normally not enroll any students beyond the class cap.