Simulation practice

RJH simulation lab
Simulation lab at Royal Jubilee Hospital

Simulation is being used to increase the capacity and quality of health practice education. Patient simulation exercises create learning experiences not readily available in the health care setting and provide you with the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and practice techniques repeatedly and safely.

High Fidelity Patient Simulation replaces or amplifies real patient care experiences with instructor guided experiences that replicate dynamic, complex and unanticipated patient care situations in a fully interactive and safe manner. 

Inter professional students are brought together around complex patient care simulation. The management of patient symptoms, the roles and responsibilities of differing patient care team members are communicated and practiced offering you the opportunity to practice patient care teamwork. 

The benefits of simulation learning include:

  • facilitating acquisition, application and consolidation of knowledge
  • offering opportunities to practice complex skills in a safe and supportive environment
  • providing an environment to develop and test clinical judgment, and interact with team members
  • fostering reflective practice, lifelong learning and increased culture of safety and team cohesion

The School of Nursing simulation space—the Center for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Learning—CISCL (co-operated with Island Health and the Island Medical Program) is located at the Royal Jubilee Hospital site.