Graduate theses, projects and dissertations

Thesis/research project title Graduated Student Supervisor
The Elders Speak About the Best Interests of a Stó:lō child: Family, Connection and Culture Jan-24 Dayna Gawi-neh Mussell Sarah Wright Cardinal
"Care" and Carcerality in a Colonial State: A Critical Exploration of Secure Residential Youth Care in Ontario Nov-23 Amy Baylis Mandeep Kaur Mucina
Liberating and Loving Youth Who Use(d) Drugs: A Foundation for Building New Worlds Aug-23 Emma Rai Mandeep Kaur Mucina
Survivors' Narratives of Early Childhood Sexualized Violence Aug-23 Kylee Lindner Doris Kakuru
Pedagogical Narrations: An Outline for a Guided Workshop Jul-23 James McGran Doris Kakuru
Weaving Histories Apr-23 Annika Benoit-Jansson Jennifer White
Young Indigenous Voices: A Youth-based Mental Health Needs Assessment for the Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre Feb-23 Ian MacLeod Bryan Silverman
Sexual Health and Sexuality Education in Child and Youth Care Curriculum Dec-22 Angelina Gray Jennifer White
Queering Survivorhood Dec-22 Audrey Wolfe Jennifer White
Calling in Outdoor Education to Create Anti-Colonial Change in Canada Sep-22 Calvin Walker Nevin Harper
Reintegrating Darkness: An Exploration into Lived Experiences of Natural Darkness  Aug-22 Sean Frey Nevin Harper
Sense of Home and Belonging in Forced Migration: A Case of Farsi-Speaking Youth in Malaysia  Aug-22 Rashin Lamouchi Jessica Ball
Exploring developmental screening practices with Indigenous early intervention programs in British Columbia: An exploratory, qualitative study  Aug-22 Melissa Nauta Alison Gerlach
Beginning Within: Exploring a White Settler Emerging Practice for Justice-Doing  Aug-22 Julie Laliberte Sarah Wright Cardinal
The Lived Experiences of Child and Youth Care Practitioners Who Use Tactile Objects in Practice  Aug-22 Allison Stickney Nevin Harper
How do Early Childhood Educators’ Preprofessional Music Experiences Shape their Practices with Young Children: An Interpretive Phenomenology Study  Aug-22 Veronika Varga Alison Gerlach
Queer Play, Failure, and Becoming: Investigating Queer Young Adults’ Memories of Play and Exploring Gender and Sexuality in Child and Youthhood  Aug-22 Astri Jack Jennifer White
Exploring women’s visual narratives of brain injury  May-22 Jacquelyn Roer Nevin Harper
Youth Experiences of Drop-In Counselling  Apr-22 Tyler Lampard Jessica Ball
“We are First Responders”: How Parents Caring for a Substance Dependent Child Experience a Trauma Resiliency Training Designed for Professional First Responders  Apr-22 Jennifer Harrison Jennifer White
Trait emotional intelligence, client symptoms, and predictive factors in wilderness therapy  Apr-22 Kostas Zolotas Nevin Harper
Thinking youth suicide otherwise and outside: A nature-based CYC approach to life promotion  Mar-22 Sylvia Storry Nevin Harper
“You have to deconstruct narrative just like narrative therapy deconstructs people’s problems”: Exploring critical anticolonial narrative therapy with sexualized violence practitioners  Dec-21 Alina Reed Mandeep Kaur Mucina
Family Wellbeing: Equitable, Accessible, and Quality Services for Children and Youth with Complex Care Needs  Nov-21 Amira Abdel-Malek Mandeep Kaur Mucina
Our world to come: Decolonial love as a praxis of dignity, justice, and resurgence Sep-21 Shantelle Moreno Sandrina de Finney
If suit people are going to listen. A strengths-based perspective on Indigenous homeless youth  Aug-21 Jilleun Tenning Mandeep Kaur Mucina
haḥaʔinyusiš yaqwiimitʔitq: s-t’él-mixw té t’éx̱ém-ay-íyat,ing é lhélhen- ásh
Calling On the Presence of Our Ancestors: Healing Through Cedar Weaving
Apr-21 Keenan Andrew Sandrina de Finney
"Disciples by default": Women's narratives of leaving alternative religious movements  Apr-21 Jessica Pratezina Marie Hoskins
Witnessing the journey: A spiritual awakening  Jan-21 Ana MacLeod Nick Claxton
"Can I see my Daddy?": Child and adult family members as visitors in the adult intensive care unit  Jan-21 Emma Chalifour Alison Gerlach
The Stressed Teens Handbook  Jan-21 Christopher Goodman Sibylle Artz
Equine therapies in North America: Exploring themes in the literature Jan-21 Sasha Routley Sibylle Artz
Readiness to change, trait emotional intelligence, and client fit in wilderness therapy Dec-20 Addison Mott Nevin Harper
Oh nisa'taro:ten? Learning how to sken:nen as a contemporary Haudenosaunee woman Jan-20 Emily Coon Sandrina de Finney
Lighting fires: Re-searching sexualized violence with Indigenous girls in Northern Canada Sep-19 Anna Chadwick Sandrina de Finney
Integrating fluid, responsive, and embodied ethics: Unsettling the praxis of white settler CYC practitioners Sep-19 Kaz MacKenzie Sandrina de Finney
Dream/hope/love/create/act (and back): A collaboration in the dis/ability field Sep-19 Jessica Sahlstrom Sandrina de Finney
Risky business? Understanding the educational experiences of street-involved youth Aug-19 Laura Vetrone Doug Magnuson
Risky play in early childhood education and care in Norway Jun-19 Patricia Obee Nevin Harper
Mindful children: Exploring the conceptualization of mindfulness practice in public elementary school settings May-19 Jasmine Gaines Jennifer White
Risky business: A narrative inquiry of male child and youth care practitioners' use of therapeutic touch Apr-19 Christopher Bennet Jennifer White
How do child welfare supervisors approach ethical dilemmas in their practice? Apr-19 Susan Rooke Marie Hoskins
Mental illness stigma: Experiences of youth with a mental disorder Jan-19 Sally-Anne Haug Jessica Ball
Mature girls, squirrelly boys, and "wily" risk: Gendered risk in outdoor adventure education Nov-18 Elisabeth Tilstra Doug Magnuson
Sometimes even a single feather is enough to fly: A hermeneutic journey through rites of passage in outdoor education Sep-18 Miles Minichiello Nevin Harper
Stories of learning and becoming: Emerging programming with/in First Nations child care programs  Jul-18 Stephanie Hayes Denise Hodgins
Re-imagining care: Thinking with feminist ethics of care Jun-18 Jenny Thomson Jennifer White
Practicum supervision in child and youth care: A guide for site supervisors  Apr-18 Sheila Awai Sibylle Artz
Children's bodies in early childhood education Apr-18 Connie Antonsen Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Common worlding pedagogies: Cultivating the 'arts of awareness' with tracking, compost, and death Apr-18 Narda Nelson Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Eighteen and up: Researching disability and family quality of life in transition Dec-17 Kierstyn Butler Sibylle Artz
"I am something else. For now": Exploring youth conversations about gender online Sep-17 Elisabeth M. Mattie Walker Sibylle Artz
Children as weapons: Child protection responses to the parenting of men who batter Sep-17 Colleen MacPherson Sibylle Artz
Improving facial expression recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder: Effectiveness of a computer assisted intervention Sep-17 Patrick N. Murphy Jennifer White
The developmental impact of intimate partner violence and evidence-based treatments for school  Sep-17 Graham Smith Sibylle Artz
Online learning for early childhood education students  Aug-17 Erin Mirau Jennifer White
Transitioning out of violence: Intersections of motherhood and precarious immigration status Aug-17 Catherine Taylor Sibylle Artz
Exploring the experiences of children with autism spectrum disorder participating in a therapeutic social group Aug-17 Kerry-Lynn Weatherhead Jennifer White
"Tough parts, connections, interruptions, and courage": Conversations with beginning early childhood educators Aug-17 Anastasia Butcher Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Transitioning from child welfare into adulthood: A meta-analysis of North American interventions May-17 Priscilla Healey Doug Magnuson
Working with diversity: The experiences of child life specialists Apr-17 Amarens Matthiesen Doug Magnuson
Becoming affected with artistic memoir: Entanglements with arts-based education in India Apr-17 Alexandra Berry Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
A beacon for information: Youth narratives on school-based anxiety prevention Apr-17 Andrea Felix Marie Hoskins
Strengthening our response to sexual violence: A working paper on prevention and response strategies for Selkirk College  Apr-17 Matthew Hillman James Anglin
Access to child and youth mental health services in BC: Barriers, recommendations, and strategies for improvement  Apr-17 Julia Cox Sibylle Artz
Parenting equanimity  Apr-17 Kainaz Cowasjee James Anglin
Non-civilian/civilian: A Canadian youth perspective of growing up in the military lifestyle Jun-17 Tammy Tupper Sandrina de Finney
Aboriginal Fathers: Rebuilding out Identity. Fathers' and Practioners' Experiences in a Central Okanagan Aboriginal Father's Engagement Program  Jun-17 Wes McVey Jessica Ball
"We don't feel that Love": Retrospective Reflections on the Experiences of Removal Transitions and Trauma from Former Youth in Care  Nov-16 Angela Scott Jim Anglin
Reimaging Practicum in Twenty-First Century Child and Youth Care  Nov-16 Kim Ainsworth Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Practicum Education in Child and Youth Care  Nov-16 Michael Keough Doug Magnuson
Reading Between the (On)Lines: A Discursive Analysis of Self-Harming, Suicidal and Helper Subjectivities. Jun-16 Aubrey Baldock Jennifer White
Exploring the Healing effects of Yoga for Trauma in Children and Youth: The Stories of Yoga Instructors. Jun-16 Sarah Bonnell Daniel Scott
Responding Constructively to Young Children's Anxiety in Preschool Settings. Jun-16 Laura Gonzalez Carlos Jessica Ball
"Make Smart Choices!": Discourses of Girlhood Responsibilization in Cyber Safety Curricula. Jun-16 Cara Brand Sandrina de Finney
Teaching (with) Love: Relational Engagement in Educational Settings. Jun-16 Jennifer Vincent Jennifer White
Perspectives on capacity strengthening and co-learning in communities: Experiences of a community-based research steering committee. Jun-16 Heather Stringer Jessica Ball
Manufacturing marginalization: Parenting services from the perspective of parents with Mental Illness. Jun-16 Ginna Abramovitch Jessica Ball
Mentoring Through Collaboration and Reflective Practice: A Post-Diploma Course for Early Childhood [Research Project] Nov-15 Jeanne Puritch Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Conceiving Women: Childbirth Ideologies in Popular Literature. Nov-15 Charie Toronchuk Sandrina de Finney
"Home and Native Land: A critical discourse analysis of Ontario Grade 7 History curriculum." Nov-15 Hayley Clausing Sandrina de Finney
'Because we want your family to keep flourishing': A critical discourse analysis of online Parenting Educational Materials. Nov-15 Teila Reynolds Sandrina de Finney
Preparing Mentors for Youth Community Arts Projects: Report and Orientation Manual. Nov-15 Sarah Bradley Jessica Ball
An Exploratory Study of Asian Immigrant Youths' Experiences of Settling into Canada with the Assistance of Youth Settlement Services. Nov-15 Yupei Xia Jessica Ball
Stories from the Spectrum: Connecting Knowledge about Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Practice in Child and Youth Care. Nov-15 Amy Bishop Jessica Ball
What to Do? Mothers' Accounts of Their Children's Discretionary Time Use Jun-15 Anna Verspoor Marie Hoskins
What Makes a Father?: A Socially Constructed Dialogue on Gendered Masculinity Jun-15 Natalie Luchtmeyer Daniel Scott
Outdoor Adventure Youth Work: Bridging Child and Youth Care and Outdoor Adventure Jun-15 Emily Carty Doug Magnuson
Searching for a New Life: How Children Enter and Exit the Street in Indonesia Jun-15 Brenden Bentley-Taylor Sibylle Artz
Transitions: A Workbook for Mothers and Caregivers staying at the Victoria Women's Transition House and Companion Counsellor Guide Jun-15 Jessica Evans Daniel Scott
An Evaluation of Youth Transition Conferencing. Jun-15 Kimberly Rivers Doug Magnuson
Conceptualizing Self, Identity, and Subjectivity: Engagements with Theories and Theorists in Child and Youth Care. Nov-14 Scott Kouri Sandrina de Finney
What Can a Body Do?: Exploring Female Adolescent Sporting Bodies. Nov-14 Nicole Land Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Considerations for Implementing a Pediatric Integrative Medical Service. Nov-14 Izabela Bienko Daniel Scott
Community Agency Supervisors' Experiences with Supervisory Training and Supervision that Address the Knowledge and Skill Areas of Supervision in the Social Service Field Nov-14 Megan Brown Sibylle Artz
Exploring Ethnic Diversity and Multiculturalism in Child Protection Social Work in British Columbia. Nov-14 Heather Harper Doug Magnuson
Exploring Identity and Illness Narratives: Studying Young Women's Experience of Cystic Fibrosis. Jun-14 Kristy Petovello Jennifer White
A journey reconsidered: An autoethnographic exploration of a CYC international practicum placement. Jun-14 Lara Fraser Daniel Scott
The Dynamics that Underpin the overrepresentation of female young offenders in custody for administrative offences. Jun-14 Thais Amorim Sibylle Artz
An Evidence Based Better Practice Response to Juvenile Fire Setters. Nov-13 Kelly Peck Jessica Ball
Communication Exchanges: An examination of communication in individuals with non-verbal autism within self-contained classrooms. Nov-13 Melissa Ray Daniel Scott
The use of spirituality in counselling practices with adolescents Jun-13 Shemine Gulamhusein Daniel Scott
Effective Practices in Alternative Education for the Social Inclusion of Marginalized and Street-Involved Youth: An Integral Systems Perspective. Nov-12 Benjamin Geselbracht Marie Hoskins
Diversity in Practice: A Critical Exploration of Residential Care Practice with Minoritized Children and Youth. Nov-12 Mackenzie Dean Sandrina de Finney
Taking a Posthumanist Stand in CYC Ethics: An Ethical-Political Experiment. Nov-12 Angela Slade Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Mapping the journey: Executive transition planning with a non-profit agency. Nov-12 Todd Koverchuk Jennifer White
An Exploratory Study of the Therapeutic Alliance and Client Outcomes in a Voluntary Counselling Agency. Nov-12 Cynthia Lee Doug Magnuson
Rethinking "Foster Child" and the Culture of Care: A Rhizomatic Inquiry into the Multiple Becomings of Foster Care Alumni. Nov-12 Rebecca Corcoran Sandrina de Finney
Supporting Care-Giving Fathers: Fathers Perspectives of Work, Care and Msculinity. Nov-12 Nicola Elischer Jessica Ball
Resistance as Desire: Reconfiguring the "at-risk girl" Through Critical, Girl-centred Participatory Action Research. Jun-12 Elicia Loiselle Sandrina de Finney
A Narrative Inquiry: How Surrogate Mothers Make Meaning of Their Gestational Surrogacy Experience. Jun-12 Ann Fisher Marie Hoskins
Leaving the System: Stories of Transitioning Out of Care and the Road Ahead. Jun-12 Chelan McCallion Jennifer White
Taking Care in Child Protection: A Descriptive Account of Practices with Women Who Have Experienced Violence by Their Domestic Partners. Jun-12 Darcie Emerson Doug Magnuson
Community Level Interventions in Child and Youth Care Practice. Jun-12 Teri Derksen Sibylle Artz
Motives for Drinking, Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Consequences in a Vancouver Youth Sample. Jun-12 Kimberly McIntosh Gordon Barnes
Learning Through Play: Pilot Investigation on the Implementation of Landreth's and Bratton's Child Parent Relationship Therapy Training. Jun-12 Sherry-Lynn Lidemark Gordon Barnes
Activity-Oriented Approach in Child and Youth Care Intervention. Nov-11 Donna Damsgaard Sibylle Artz
Exploring the Possibilities of Learning Stories as a Meaningful Approach to Assessment in Nunavik. Nov-11 Carol Rowan Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Disruptin the All-Too-Human Body Through Art in Early Childhood Education and Care. Nov-11 Vanessa Clark Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
e-sian: Youth Negotiating Asian in Racialized Online Groups on Facebook. Nov-11 Vi Nguyen Daniel Scott
The Other Side of Child Protection: The Lived Experiences of Front Line Child Protection Workers. Jun-11 Michael Gough Sibylle Artz
Acquired Brain Injury and Identity: Exploring Narrative Shifts Following Involvement in Multifamily Outdoor Adventure Program. Dec-10 Dave Segal Marie Hoskins
Working with Grief and Loss: A Facilitation Manual for Laichwiltach Family Life Society Dec-10 Ronda MacKenzie-Cooper Daniel Scott
Exploring the Discursive Limits of "Suicide" in the Classroom: A Foucauldian-Inspired Discourse Analysis of a School-Based Youth Suicide Prevention Program Nov-10 Jonathan Morris Jennifer White
How do School of Child and Youth Care Graduate Students Experience Gender Discussions in the Classroom? Sept-10 Tanya Druskee - Pawliuk Sibylle Artz
Capturing Youth Voices and Experience Within the Context of Suicide Postvention Aug-10 Linda Finlayson Jennifer White
Training Materials for a Critically Reflective Child Care Director's Community of Practice in Calgary Aug-10 Susan Garrow Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Aboriginal girls and sexual exploitation in a rural BC town: A Photovoice study Jun-10 Johanne Saraceno Sandrina de Finney
Exploring Youth and Practitioner Perspectives: Assessing the Needs of Sexually Exploited Youth in the Lower Mainland Jun-10 Kate Rudelier Jennifer White
Three Mother's Stories: Life experiences with violence, abuse, mental illness, and substance abuse. Jun-10 Mary Morrison Marie Hoskins
SLEWSTHET Series - A set of four children's books entitled: I am afraid. (spiritual), A Day With Al (physical), Going to Goldstream (emotional), and A Place for me (mental) Jun-10 Tracy Underwood Daniel Scott
Project Alive Referral Decision Tree Nov-09 Chris Cunin Sibylle Artz
High Risk Alcohol Consumption and Contraceptive Use By Young Women in the Greater Victoria Area. Nov-09 Julie Adams Gordon Barnes
Polysubstance Use and School Engagement: A Longitudinal Investigation Nov-09 Jennifer Zadorozniak Gordon Barnes
Child Protection as a Culture of Negotiation. Nov-09 Nathan Patten Doug Magnuson
Youth Voice in Integrated Case Management: What Helps and What Hinders? Nov-09 Mark Littlefield Doug Magnuson/Roy Ferguson
Inked Women: Narratives at the Intersection of Tattoos, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Gender and the Tattoo Renaissance. May-09 Ana-Elisa Armstrong de Almeida Sibylle Artz
Girls and Young Women in Zambia, Who Have Lost Their Parents to AIDS: Attachment and/or Resilience. May-09 Penelope Fenske Sibylle Artz/Daniel Scott
Social Support for New Mothers: An Exploration of New Mothers' Postpartum Experiences with Online and Offline Peer Support Environments May-09 Vali Hunting Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Emergent Management Tools for Aboriginal Early Childhood Development Programs in the Province of British Columbia. May-09 Coral Bowman Jessica Ball
Constructing a Life After Death: Writing My Younger Experiences of Grief and Loss Nov-08 Carys Cragg Daniel Scott
Building Bridges and Blurring Lines: The Value of Reflexivity in CYC-based Humanitarian Practice May-08 Kim Vradenburg Daniel Scott
Assessing Treatment for Men who Batter: A Review of the Literature May-08 Bill Wagg Jennifer White
Rising From the Ashes: Empowering Aboriginal Women Nov-07 Mary Burgaretta Daniel Scott
Even Now: Ongoing and Experiential Interpretations of Childhood Loss Nov-07 Janet Newbury Marie Hoskins
Challenges Facing Homeless Families in Greater Victoria: Past or Present Abuse, Mental Health Problems and Substance Misuse Issues May-07 Kim Caldwell Sibylle Artz
The Front-line Practitioner's Experience of Working with Children or Youth Engaged in Suicidal Behaviour May-07 Patricia Ranahan Roy Ferguson
Prevalence and Predictors of Tobacco use in Parental and Prenatal Environments May-07 Anna Kurcharski Gordon Barnes
Community-based Child Care Resource Assessment: The Case of Zomba District in Malawi May-07 Khama Chibwana Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Practitioners Working with Immigrant Families: A Training Manual May-07 Jan White Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Development of a Multi-Disciplinary Supervision Resource for the Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre May-07 Sonja Radmilovic Jim Anglin
Evaluation of Alberta Children's Services Delegation Training (2005 Pilot) May-07 Patricia Toland Sibylle Artz
Mothers Behind Bars: Defining and Redefining Self Nov-06 Ahna Berikoff Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Personality: Reasons for Drinking and Alcohol Consumption and Abuse Patterns Among Youth Nov-06 Sharon Burrows Gordon Barnes
Negotiations of Female Racialized Adolescent Identities: Investigating the Intersectionalities of Race, Gender and Sexuality through a Transnational Feminist Lens Nov-06 Erika Antl Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Preparing for Parenthood: The Significance of the Parent-Child Connection May-06 Randine Mariona Daniel Scott
A New Twist: Yoga Within the Stories of Youth Who are Street-Involved. May-06 Brooke Alsbury Daniel Scott
The Impact of Parent-Child Mother Goose: Mothers' Perceptions and Experiences of Singing to the Infants Ages 6-28 Months May-06 Deborah Weis Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Kneeling in the Forest: Therapist Negotiations with Hope and Despair May-06 Katrina Jenmorri Marie Hoskins
Youth Leading with their Hearts. May-06 Tracey Thompson Gordon Barnes
Who I am: An Exploration into the Development and Retention of Professional Identity in Child and Youth Care May-06 Angela Prescott Jim Anglin
Informative Study on Permanency Planning for Adolescents With Adoption as an Option May-06 Melanie Sims Sibylle Artz/ Roy Ferguson
Child and Youth Care Practitioners Meaning Making of Feminist Identities May-06 J. Nicole Little Marie Hoskins
Responsive Residential Treatment of Aggression: A Curriculum for the CYC Professional Dec-05 Rebecca Bernst Jim Anglin
Reframing the "A" Word: Front Line Worker Perceptions of Organizational Change and Personal Transitions Through the Process of Child and Family Services Accreditation Nov-05 Robert Bates Daniel Scott
The Effects of a Holistic Wilderness Camping Model Nov-05 Sean Lougheed Roy Ferguson
First Haven: A Resource for Counselling Children Residing in Transition Houses May-05 Gloria Hoban Marie Hoskins
Children and Loss: A Descriptive Exploratory Study of Bereaved Children’s Experience of Loss Following the Death of a Significant Adult May-05 Allyson Whiteman Jim Anglin/Daniel Scott
Victoria Home Instruction Program for Parents of Pre-school Youngsters (HIPPY) Supplementary Training Curriculum May-05 Danielle Smith Jessica Ball
Listening to the Self-Doubt Voice: What Do Child and Youth Care Practitioners Experience? May-05 Heather Sanrud Sibylle Artz
The Horse as Co-Therapist in Facilitating Adolescent Attachments May-05 John Rayment Sibylle Artz
A Personal Journey: A Therapeutic manual for Working with Women Who Have Experienced Childhood Trauma May-05 Denise Masson Jim Anglin
Building the Nests: Indigenous Language Revitalization in BC First Nations Using Early Childhood Immersion Programs May-05 Onowa Blue McIvor Jessica Ball
The Joy of Juvenile Joyriding May-05 Susie Girling Frances Ricks
Parents Interpret How They Socialize Their Pre-School-Aged Children to Learn Motor Skills May-05 Jamie Covey Frances Ricks
Curriculum Development Using Community Resources Nov-04 Wunesh Woldeselassie Alan Pence
The Impact of a Competitive Cheerleading Experience on the Development of Female Athletes Nov-04 Amanda Steinberger Roy Ferguson
Prevalence and Determinants of Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior Nov-04 Christel Siperko Gordon Barnes
Developing an ECCD Teacher Training Curriculum in Lesotho as Part of a College Education Program Nov-04 Edith M. Sebatane Alan Pence
Promoting Wellness in Organizations Through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Nov-04 Rhonda Schmitz Jim Anglin
Traditional Child Care Practices in Tanzania: Supplementing PLAN Training Programs Nov-04 Leoncia Nyeme Salakana Alan Pence
Indigenous Knowledge and Practices of Parents and Families Regarding Psychosocial Care for Children in Three Rural Communities in The Gambia: Implications for UNICEF Programming in IECD Nov-04 Jenieri B. Sagnia Alan Pence
Development of a Model Framework for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in their Early Years in Ghana Nov-04 Susan Sabaa Alan Pence
Incorporating Indigenous Stories of Basotho In An ECCD Programme At Leseli Community Centre Nov-04 Phaello Ntsonyane Alan Pence
Assessing the Influence of Different Early Childhood Development Models on Pre-School Children’s School Readiness in Kenya Nov-04 Samuel Ngaruiya Alan Pence
Policies and Programs in Support of Childcare for Working Families: A Case Study of Data Sets and Current Activities in Uganda Nov-04 Hilda Carolyne Nankunda Alan Pence
Professional Associations in Support of Child Well Being in Uganda: Establishment of ECD Newsletter Series Nov-04 Monica. R. Muheirwe Alan Pence
Improving Multisectoral Cooperation and Coordination in Support of Early Childhood Development Programs in Tanzania Nov-04 George A. Kameka Alan Pence
A Guide For Effective School and Parent Collaboration: A Cooperative Development and Delivery Approach Nov-04 Celestina Amauchechukwu Ibetoh Alan Pence
Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development Nov-04 Rosemary Hua Alan Pence
Improving the Quality of Childcare Through Parenting Enrichment and Training of Trainers: The Eritrean Model Nov-04 Abeba Habtom Alan Pence
Utilizing Indigenous Stories in the Promotion of Early Childhood Development Programs in Uganda Nov-04 Anne Barabogoza Gamurorwa Alan Pence
Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in ECD Training and Services Nov-04 Mgbechikwere Uche Ezirim Alan Pence
Parents’ and Other Caregivers’ Perception of Early Childhood Development Needs and Quality: A Study of the PLAN-Assisted Programmes in Bawjiase, Ghana Nov-04 Stella Etse Alan Pence
An Experiential and Educational parent Play Program Nov-04 Josie DeGreef Roy Ferguson
A Community-driven Rural Early Childhood Development (ECD) Project, With Emphasis on Culturally and Developmentally Appropriate Exploratory Learning Concepts Nov-04 Charlotte Day Alan Pence
Assessment of the Caring Practices in Two Motherless Babies’ Homes in Abia State, Nigeria and the Development and Delivery of a Nutrition Training Program to the Staff of these Homes to Improve Nutrition of Children in Their Care Nov-04 Olive Erinma Uzoamaka Akomas Alan Pence
The Status of Coordination and Supervision of Early Childhood Education in Ghana Nov-04 Margaret Amponsah Alan Pence
Pilot Study of the Adaptation of an Established Measure to Assess the Quality of Child Services in a Selected Orphanage in Zambia: The Inclusive Quality Assessment (IQA) Tool Nov-04 Margaret Abosede Akinware Alan Pence
Building Community Leadership for Quality Sustainability in Madrasa Preschools: The Case of Madrasa Preschools Post Graduation Support Nov-04 Asha Mohammed Ahmed Alan Pence
The Development of an Integrated Early Childhood Development Urban Model Training Program for Informal Minders and Community Volunteers in Ghana Nov-04 Felix Kwasi Agorsah Alan Pence
How Youth With ADHD Narrate Their Relationship with Marijuana May-04 Deborah Verkerk Marie Hoskins
Incorporating Research Into Practice: Exploring the Possibilities of Action Research for Child and Youth Care Practice May-04 Andrew Lochhead Jim Anglin
What is Measured Matters: A Textual Analysis of Screening and Intake Used with Youth May-04 Elaine Halsall Sibylle Artz
The Role of Leadership in the "Spotlight Campaign's" Community Mobilization May-04 Elizabeth Green Jim Anglin
Continuing the Parent Journey: Design and Assessment of a Group Intervention Strategy for Maltreating Parents May-04 Pearl Elliott Jim Anglin
How are the Voices of Parents as Clients Engaged and Incorporated INTD Multidisciplinary Collaborative Practice Within the Family Resource Program Model of Service Delivery? A Case Study May-04 Diana Bosworth Sibylle Artz
Inside Quality Assurance: Challenges and Opportunities for Application in Foster Care in B.C. Nov-03 Kelsea Lochhead Jim Anglin
Crossing the Tightrope - a Case Study of the Development of a Parenting Curriculum for Caregivers in Lao P.D.R. Nov-03 Lisa Albion Alan Pence
Alcohol Consumption and the Related Factors Among Chinese Youth in Inner Mongolia May-03 Ming Ao Gordon Barnes
The Practice of Self-Awareness: Exploring the Meaning of Self-Awareness as a Professional Process May-03 Shelley Weingart Marie Hoskins
Managing Visibility: the Process of Managing Equity Issues for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Two-Spirited, and Transgender People in an Academic Environment Nov-02 Silvia Vilches Frances Ricks
The Existential Meaning of Recovery Nov-02 Bruce Muir Marie Hoskins
Parents’ Experiences of Children’s Residential Care May-02 Robin Pike Frances Ricks
Healthy Young Children: From Knowledge to Community Action May-02 Nancy McInnes Jessica Ball
A Mediated Me: An Autoethnographic Study of Self, Body and Media May-02 Kristy Dellebuur Marie Hoskins
Exploring Human Service Practitioners’ Community Work Nov-01 Anne Field Gordon Barnes
Searching for, Finding, and Experiencing Friendship: a Qualitative Study of Friendship Experiences of Seven Young Adults with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effects Nov-01 Brenda Copeland Laurene Shields
Unlearning Colonialism: An Aboriginal Experience in Education as the Practice of Freedom May-01 Judith Boulter Alan Pence
A Child’s "Terminal Illness": An Analysis of Text Mediated Knowing May-01 Nancy Bell
Perspectives of Mothers With Developmental Disabilities: the Same Dreams, the Same Goals, the Same Disappointments Nov-00 Kelly Fells
Dropping in on School Administrators: Conversations Regarding "At-Risk" Youth and Administrative Decision Making Nov-00 Patti Anderson
A Grounded Theory of Conflict Between Child Care Counsellors and Adolescents in a Juvenile Justice Facility May-00 Lesley Woodman
First Nations’ Perspective on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects May-00 Dolores Osborne
The Social Ecology of Malawi Orphans Nov-99 Christopher Okumu Philip Cook
Applying a Child Rights Perspective in B.C.’s Capital Health Region: Participatory Action Research in Child and Youth Health Care Nov-99 Richard Mitchell
Towards a Meaning of Relationship and School Based Child and Youth Care Work Nov-99 Judith Mazzocchi
Interplay of Online and Onground Realities: Internet Research on Youth Experiences Online Nov-99 Mechthild Maczewski
Northern Communities in Transition: Changes Related to Flood Agreements in Two First Nations Communities in Northern Manitoba Nov-99 Rubina Kirkness Frances Ricks
A Case Study of Two Foster Parents and Their Experience Providing Care for Difficult Children: A Phenomenological Study Nov-99 Kelli Kienas
No Exceptions: The Right to be Treated with Dignity and Respect in Youth Custody Facilities in British Columbia Nov-99 Monica Jobe
First Nations Health Transfer: Challenges and Opportunities. May-99 Lisa Montgomery Reid
Teenage Native Suicide: A Qualitative Study. A Report on the Perceptions of First Nation Communities Services by Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba May-99 Rose McKay
Against the Odds: A Phenomenological Study that Examines the Academic Success of At Risk Youth. May-99 Michelle Koroll
Utilisation-focused Evaluation of a Youth-Led Health Promotion Conference May-99 Brian Hill
The Road to Integration: A Personal Account and Analysis of the Process Leading to the Establishment of the Ministry for Children and Families in British Columbia Nov-98 Mary Lynne Rimer
The Learning Needs of Aboriginal People and Implications for Educational Programming Nov-98 Nancy Martin
Northern Manitoba First Nations’ Perceptions of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects and Methods to Ameliorate These Conditions Nov-98 Robert LaFontaine
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in the Canadian Press: A Discourse Analysis Nov-98 Anna-Maria Huber
A Fire in My Heart: A Story About Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia Nov-98 Linda McDonell
Somatic Gene Therapy: Feminist Responses to Ominous Challenges Nov-98 Bev Boisseau
Self Awareness in Ethical Decision Making for Child and Youth Care Workers May-98 Iris Elsdon
Creating Reserve Land in Thompson, Manitoba under a Treaty Land Entitlement Agreement: A Management Plan for the Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba and Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. Nov-97 Andrew Thomas
A Community Development Plan to Create a Community Based First Nations Child and Family Service Agency Nov-97 Walter Spence
Strength From Each Other: Diabetes Management Approaches From a First Nations Perspective Nov-97 Suzanne Pearson-Mozdzen Gordon Barnes
In Pursuit of a Model of Conflict Resolution: First Nations Family Justice Nov-97 David Monias
Sexual Abuse in First Nations Perspective Nov-97 Verna Ironstar
A Study of Decreasing Solvent Use in a First Nation Community Nov-97 Greg Fidler
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: A Report on the Legacy of Abuse Among the Sayisi Dene Nov-97 Jesse Duck
First Nations Perspective on Leadership: A Report on the Perceptions of First Nation Communities Services by Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba Nov-97 Thelma Bland
Child Neglect From the Standpoint of Mothers May-97 Fay Weller
Understanding the Essence of the Relationship Between Big and Little Brothers and Sisters: A Phenomenological Study May-97 Marney Thompson
The Relationship of Perceptions of Interaction and Learning Style to Learner Satisfaction in Distance Education May-97 Iain Stuart
The Voices of Our Youth: A Report on the Perceptions of First Nation Youth Served by Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba May-97 Lori Oberdorfer
The Faith Community as Extended Family: The Influence of Shared Spiritual Values as Experienced by Baha’i Families in the Cowichan Valley May-97 Ken Cooper
The Historical Alternative: Learning Organization Practice in Child and Family Services May-97 Gerard Bellefeuille
An Exploration of the Roles and Functions of Child and Youth Care Practitioners Within the British Columbia Public School System Nov-96 Duane Seibel
Student Sponsor-Educator Relationships During Early Childhood Education Practicum Nov-96 Judy Pollard
Crown Counsels and Therapists: A Work Relationship and Its Influences on the Child Witness. Nov-96 Judith Marshall
Personality Dimensions and Alcoholism: Patterns of Pre-treatment Consumption and Treatment Outcome in a Clinical Sample Nov-96 Robert Anderson
Evaluation Framework for the Development of an Alternative Form of Education for Marginalized Youth in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Nairobi, Kenya Nov-95 Jacqueline McAdam
Child Protection as Support. May-95 Sheila Wallace
Survivors of High Risk Backgrounds: Resilient or Codependent? Nov-94 Kay Armstrong
A Descriptive Study of the Impact of Foster Children on the Marital Relationship of Foster Parents. Nov-93 Audrey Kruisselbrink
Alberta Families’ Selection of Child Care Arrangements: A Descriptive Study. Nov-93 Margo Greenwood-Church
Effects of Parent Education on Attitudes, Styles and Stress Levels Associated with the Task of Parenting. Nov-92 Lis Upton
Professionalizations of Child and Youth Care in British Columbia: A Case Study. Nov-90 Leanne Rose
The Ethical Behaviour of Residential Child and Youth Care Workers: An Exploratory Study. Nov-89 Denise Van Amsterdam
Canadian Child Day Care: Translating Research into Policy. May-87 Sandra Griffin
The Evaluation of Distance Education Technologies Used in the Delivery of an Introductory University Credit Course in Child Care. May-86 Ralph Strong
Dissertation title Graduated Student Supervisor
The Photo Album: Autoethnographic Witnessing and the Post-Shoah Re-Creation of Memory Mar-23 Julia Herzog Mandeep Kaur Mucina
Children's Rights to Participate in Health Care Decision-Making and the Role of Child Life Specialists in the Netherlands: A Critical and Focused Ethnography Dec-22 Amarens Matthiesen Alison Gerlach
Tuning into child and youth care: an audio drama inquiry with child and youth care practitioners who have lived in residential placement  Apr-22 Wolfgang Vachon Jennifer White
#AnthropoceneChild: Speculative child-figures at the end of the world Aug-20 Emily Ashton Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Counselling in an age of Empire May-19 Scott Kouri Sandrina de Finney
Meaning-making and the wilderness experience: An examination using a constructive-developmental lens Apr-19 Curtis Pollock Nevin Harper
Living in the in-between as an Ismaili woman: An autoethnography Apr-18 Shemine Gulamhusein Daniel Scott
Exploring the experiences of child and youth care workers in residential care through a constructive-developmental lens Feb-18 Heather Modlin Doug Magnuson
Gathering: An A/R/Tographic practice for teaching in early childhood care and education Dec-17 Vanessa Clark Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Fat(s), muscle(s), movement, and physiologies in early childhood education Oct-17 Nicole Land Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
The development of addiction-prone personality traits and substance use behaviours in biological and adoptive families Aug-16 Nozomi Franco Cea Gordon Barnes
Narrative Evaluating of a Community-based Child Care Resource Assessment: The Case of Zomba District Malawi Nov-16 Khama Chibwana Daniel Scott
Community-Based Responses to Youth Offending: Politics, Policy and Practice Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Jun-16 Lorinda Stoneman Sibylle Artz
Unsettling encounters with 'natural' places in early childhood education Jun-15 Fikile Nxumalo Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
(Re)storying Dolls and Cars: Gender and Care with Young Children Jun-15 B Denise Hodgins Jessica Ball
Making Space for Disruption in the Education of Early Childhood Educators. Nov-14 Kathleen Kummen Alan Pence
Songs of Existence: Sons of Freedom Doukhobors within Time. Jun-14 Ahna Berikoff Marie Hoskins
Contextualizing Care: Alternatives to the Individualization of Struggles and Support. Nov-12 Janet Newbury Marie Hoskins
The Resourcing Experience of Children Attending Individualized Tri-Phasic Trauma Therapy. Jun-12 Rochelle Lohrasbe Sibylle Artz
Exposure of Children to Early Childhood Development Programs and Subsequent School Entry and Grade Progression Within Broader Contexts of the Home Environment in Uganada. Jun-12 Jolly Nyeko Alan Pence
Negotiating Duality: A Framework for Understanding the Lives of Street-involved Youth. Nov-11 Stephanie Griffin James Anglin
"I will let my art speak out": Visual narrations of Youth Combating Intolerance. Nov-10 (JN) Cole Little Daniel Scott
An Inquiry into Child and Youth Care Narratives of experience in Children's Mental Health Treatment. Nov-10 Ron Solinski Marie Hoskins
It's About Us!: Racialized Minority Girls' Transformative Engagement in Feminist Participatory Action Research. Nov-07 Sandrina de Finney Jessica Ball
Youth as Nexus: A Networked Perspective. Understanding How Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Matter to Youth. May-07 Mechthild Maczewski Marie Hoskins & P. Storey
Exploring the Process of Change in British Columbia Social Services 1991-2001: The Benefits of Hindsight. May-06 Bruce Hardy Roy Ferguson
Visions of Community: A "Seventh Moment" Critical Phenomenological Study. Dec-05 Gerard Bellefeuille Frances Ricks
No Turning Back: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Women's Experience of Voice. May-05 Jennifer Charlesworth Frances Ricks
The Unencumbered Moment and Life Change. May-05 Kevin Allan Murray Sibylle Artz
Becoming Metis: The Relationship Between the Sense of Metis Self and Cultural Stories. May-05 Catherine Richardson Alan Pence
Handicapped Children’s Services: Policy, Practice and Implementation – An Analysis. Nov-00 Cheryl Crocker Roy Ferguson
Exploring Children’s Emerging Conceptions of the Participation Rights and Responsibilities. Nov-99 Ellen Murray (Interdisc.) Philip Cook
How Does Love Grow? Attachment Processes in Older Adoptees and Foster Children as Illustrated by Fictional Stories. May-99 Sheila Haegert (Interdisc.) Frances Ricks
Redefining Student Success: Learning from Nontraditional Learners Nov-98 Jean Campbell Jim Anglin
An Exploration of Experiences of Extreme Abuse Nov-96 Grant Charles Roy Ferguson
The Effective Child and Youth Care Intervention: A Phenomenological Inquiry. May-96 Thom Garfat Frances Ricks
Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs of Personnel Serving Persons with Disabilities: A Research to Practice Challenge. May-95 Ian Thumlert (Interdisc.) Roy Ferguson