Get involved

Get involved in committees and events

Becoming involved in school events and committees can help you meet both social and academic/professional needs. By linking up with other students and faculty, you'll be establishing important relationships that will provide you with a support network.

School of Child and Youth Care (SCYC) Student Society online community

Stay connected through the SCYC Student Society online community. All SCYC students are automatically added to the site at the beginning of term.

Join us in our online SCYC community to share ideas, keep up with community activities and build connections beyond the classroom.

Current students can access the site through Brightspace. You’ll see it listed with your courses. Visit often and participate in a dialogue of information and sharing communication. Employment opportunities are also listed. 

If you are interested in a position with the SCYC Student Society, connect with current board members through the online community site.

Get involved in your community

"What is the benefit to me?" is the question most often asked by child and youth care professionals when asked if they belong to a professional association. It's a valid question.

The answer is: There are professional and personal benefits. The Child and Youth Care Association of British Columbia (CYCABC) supports you and you support quality work on behalf of the profession and the field.

We are committed to furthering child and youth care partnerships in education, research and improved practice throughout British Columbia and beyond.

Examples of our current partnerships and affiliations include:


Other professional connections: