Current PhD students

PhD proposal process

Following successful completion of your candidacy exam(s), you will work with your supervisor and committee members to produce a draft proposal. It will be circulated to your supervisory committee for review, and you will meet with them to consider and evaluate it.

Your supervisor will chair this meeting. You will be expected to summarize your research proposal and answer questions from your supervisory committee. If they approve, the committee members will sign the SCYC proposal form. Once you have this approval you can begin working on your ethics review application.

Dissertation guidelines

We use the APA manual as our style guide in SCYC. The basic APA style is five chapters, but your actual dissertation may be more, subject to the type of data you collect and the guidance of your supervisor.

These five APA chapters cover the basic content of a dissertation:

  • introductory chapter
  • literature review
  • methodology
  • results
  • discussion

See UVic's thesis guidelines.

Dissertation links