About Human Resources

Our service philosophy

Empowering people to make a difference

Our service model

The Human Resources service delivery model reflects our support of UVic’s goal to be internationally recognized as a university of choice for a diverse community of talented students, faculty and staff by delivering meaningful programs and supportive services that develop, foster and sustain an outstanding workplace. The kind of workplace where we all feel welcome, a part of something bigger and vital, and that we can each make an impact.

As a team of human resources professionals, our role is to provide programs, services, guidance, support and expertise that builds on the strength of our leaders, their teams and our collegial, inclusive and collaborative culture to empower people to make a difference in this dynamic, research intensive and student-centred environment.

To this end, we wholeheartedly acknowledge that it is our clients who have the formal responsibility to lead others in research, teaching, service and community engagement and who are responsible and accountable for the success of their teams. We support our clients as they create the "extraordinary" in our extraordinary academic environment, a sense of impact, and a work environment that is dynamic, supportive and welcoming.

Our service commitment

Our clients have identified that we are at our best when we are friendly, professional, respectful and responsive partners who take time to understand their business and aspirations so that our support empowers them to achieve their aspirations. This makes a difference to the client, their team, and the university. In short, when we create the conditions for the level of service our clients most appreciate, we are empowering people to make a difference.

At the same time, our team engagement results identify that the HR team is most engaged in our work when we understand how our work is connected to a higher purpose (a part of something bigger) and when we have the respect and confidence of our clients, leaders, and colleagues, as well as the autonomy, support and resources, to apply our individual and collective expertise and judgement to advance this higher purpose. In short, when we create the conditions for the level of engagement that our team desires, we are empowering people to make a difference.

In both cases, when we are at our best, “people” are at the heart of our service.