Visiting students

There are a few different ways you can experience UVic while you are still registered at your home institution. We welcome graduate students from other universities for both study and research.
Visiting research students
Participate in vital research and experience our dynamic campus as a graduate visiting research student (GVRS). You’ll work under the supervision of a UVic faculty member while you’re here.
Note: If you are a graduate student at a Canadian institution wanting to visit UVic to conduct research, you could qualify under the Canadian Graduate Student Research Mobility Agreement (CGSMRA).
Step 1: Graduate Visiting Research Agreement
Complete the Graduate Visiting Research Agreement form. You’ll need signatures from your UVic supervisor and the head of the academic unit you’ll be with during your time at UVic. You’ll also need signatures from your supervisor at your home university, and from the head of your home academic unit or another official who can confirm your student status at your home university. Upload this form to your UVic application (see Step 2).
Step 2: Application
Complete UVic’s online application.
Make sure you apply as a “visiting research student.”
If the term you want to apply to is no longer available because the application deadline has passed, contact Graduate Admissions and Records.
Upload your Graduate Visiting Research Agreement under "Supporting documents."
You don’t need to prove English language proficiency for this application. Your UVic supervisor is responsible for language screening.
If your home university is outside of Canada, you will probably need to obtain immigration documents. After you receive confirmation of your admission to UVic as a GVRS, contact the International Centre for Students for help.
Do not apply for immigration documents before you receive confirmation of your admission to UVic.
There are no application or tuition fees for graduate visiting research students. As a UVic student, you will have access to campus resources. These include: UVic Libraries, campus computing facilities, counselling, UVic Health and International Student Services.
You may be eligible to opt into membership in the Graduate Student Society (GSS). The U-Pass membership package includes a BC Transit pass. You can buy a membership package at the GSS front office in the Grad Centre.
We register all graduate research students into GS 503 or GS 504. These are visiting research courses. We do not charge tuition fees for these courses.
You can request a transcript from the Office of the Registrar after you complete your research activity at UVic.
If you wish to take additional courses for credit at UVic, you must apply through the regular admission process as a non-degree student.
Visiting students with a letter of permission
As a visiting student, you’ll take courses at UVic. The credits you earn at UVic will go towards your graduate degree at your home university.
Your application cannot be processed until the letter of permission is received by UVic.
Step 1: Letter of permission
You'll need to provide a letter of permission from your home institution. The letter must include:
- the session the permission is for, and
- the specific courses you need to take while at UVic
Step 2: Application
Complete UVic's online application.
Make sure you apply under the option "Letter of Permission."
If the term you want to apply to is no longer available because the application deadline has passed, contact Graduate Admissions and Records.
Upload your Letter of Permission under "Supporting documents." You must also provide transcripts and proof of language proficiency.
If your home university is outside of Canada, you will probably need to obtain immigration documents. After you receive confirmation of your admission to UVic as a non-degree student on a Letter of Permission, contact the International Centre for Students, for help.
Do not apply for immigration documents before you receive confirmation of your admission to UVic.
You will pay the regular application fee and non-degree tuition fees at UVic. As a UVic student, you will have access to campus resources. These include: UVic Libraries, campus computing facilities, counselling, UVic Health and International Student Services.
Once registered, you will automatically be assessed for membership in the Graduate Student Society (GSS), UVic Athletics and the U-Pass membership package, which includes a BC Transit pass.
If your application is accepted, we will register you in the approved course(s).
You can request a transcript from the Office of the Registrar after you complete your stay at UVic.
Western Deans’ Agreement
If your university is a member of the Western Deans’ Agreement, you can attend courses at UVic. You’ll earn credit towards your degree at your home institution.
Contact your home institution’s graduate studies office for application information.
Step 1: Western Deans' Agreement
Complete the Western Deans' Agreement form. You'll need signatures from the head of your department and Graduate Studies at your home university. Your home institution will email the agreement to us.
Step 2: Application
Complete UVic's online application.
Make sure you apply under the option "Western Deans' Agreement (WDA)."
If the term you want to apply to is no longer available because the application deadline has passed, contact Graduate Admissions and Records.
You don't need to prove English language proficiency for this application.
There are no application or tuition fees at UVic for students attending on a Western Deans’ Agreement. You will pay fees at your home institution. As a UVic student, you will have access to campus resources. These include: UVic Libraries, campus computing facilities, counselling, UVic Health and International Student Services.
You may be eligible to opt into membership in the Graduate Student Society (GSS). The U-Pass membership package includes a BC Transit pass. You can buy a membership package at the GSS front office in the Grad Centre.
If your application is accepted, we will register you in the approved course(s).
You can request a transcript from the Office of the Registrar after you complete your stay at UVic.
If you wish to take additional courses for credit at UVic, you must apply through the regular admission process as a non-degree student.
Visiting exchange students
We welcome students from our 70+ exchange partners across the globe each term. Find out how you can visit UVic as a graduate exchange student.
Next steps
Once we confirm your admission to UVic, you’ll receive your UVic student number. You can use it to create a UVic NetLink ID and receive a UVic ONECard.
Once you’ve made arrangements to study at UVic, it’s time to plan your travels. Learn about living in Canada.