How to apply

Applicants must submit:

  • a portfolio 
    • 10-15 pages of poetry or 20-30 pages of playwriting, screenwriting, fiction, creative non-fiction, or interactive narrative writing.

  • a 500-word letter of intent which includes
    • a brief description of your writing background
    • what you hope to accomplish in the program
    • a description of the project and the genre you want to work on 
    • a paragraph regarding your interest in learning how to teach and gain experience via a teaching assistantship.

  • a curriculum vitae that includes relevant professional/writing experience.

  • two references and their email contacts:
    • your references should be able to give an assessment of your talent as a writer, academic standing, critical ability, capacity for doing self-directed work and teaching potential
    • references will be contacted by email to upload their recommendations and should endeavour to submit by December 31. 

Please note: Applicants do not need to obtain a supervisor beforehand. Offers of acceptance will be sent out once all applications have been reviewed.


Submissions in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction must have a minimum 1.5 line spacing. Submissions in playwriting and screenwriting should follow industry-standard formats.

Application and guidelines

Prospective students apply directly through the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Victoria. Applications and guidelines are here.

Deadline for applications: November 30.