Generously filling a need

but I love you
This piece by undergrad Steve Dutchak expresses how we feel about our donors

Your future in art

Creating an award is a great way to help our students. Both scholarships (awarded to students who demonstrate financial need) and bursaries (awarded to students who show academic excellence) are valued and appreciated by our students.

“The hardest part of going back to school, of course, hasn’t been adjusting to a new routine or getting back in an academic mindset — it’s the thought of not being able to pay for it," wrote one recent bursary recipient in a thank-you letter to the donor. "This bursary doesn’t just represent a lessening of my tuition fees, it means less stress and worry sapping my energy. With a bit of the load off my shoulders, I can devote myself more fully to my studies.”

Any amount helps Visual Arts students to focus on the study and creation of art rather than worry about finances. Establishing an award is a wonderful way to leave a legacy or honour a loved one. You can even designate an award for students in a specific area of study or specialization.

If you are interested in scholarship and bursary opportunities to help our Visual Arts students — or if you would like to find out how to leave a gift in your will — please contact Samantha Krzywonos, our Fine Arts Development Officer, at 250-721-6305 or .