External Cost Recoveries

External cost recoveries are earned by selling goods and services to parties outside of the University. They are a by-product of the instruction and research process. These sales may be to:

  • parties outside the university community ( sales of excess computing time, external borrowers fees)

Recent changes to generally accepted accounting principles have changed how External Cost Recoveries are to be recorded in FAST accounts. Rather than recording a recovery as an offset to expense (negative expense) we are now required to record these items as revenue.  For example, a department may be reimbursed for personal photocopies by staff members. The department may record their expense under subcodes 9210 (Photocopy Rental) and 7204 (Paper Supplies) while the cash received in payment from the staff member should now be recorded as a revenue in the Other Sales of Goods and Services range 5653-5899.   

A few of the more common external cost recovery subcodes are as follows:

  • 5738    External Cost Recoveries
  • 5742    Instructional Material Sales
  • 5757    Photocopy Fees
  • 5854    Labour Recoveries
  • 5856    Supply Recoveries 
You may click here to be directed to the full list of subcodes for Other Sales of Goods and Services.