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REACH Awards

How to nominate

Nominations for the REACH awards 2024 are now open.

  • To submit a nomination, complete the applicable online nomination form for the research or teaching award by November 4
  • The form can be completed by either the nominator or the nominee
  • Refer to the individual award guidelines for nomination terms and supporting document requirements
  • Supporting documents are to be uploaded to the application form as a single PDF
  • When creating the supporting documents, write so that a person outside the nominee’s area of expertise can understand the nominee’s achievements
  • Please maintain the confidentiality of nominations. Do not disclose nominations to anyone other than the referees and nominee
  • Renominations are welcome and should follow the current guidelines for nomination components (outlined separately for each award)

Selection Committee

The REACH Research Awards selection committee consists of six members:

  • The Vice-President Research & Innovation (Chair)
  • A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
  • An emeritus faculty member
  • A previous Gold Medal Award winner appointed by the President
  • An Indigenous faculty member
  • A community member appointed by the President

With the exception of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, committee members shall serve for three years, with one third of the committee being replaced each year after the initial three years. Sitting members of the committee shall not be eligible to make nominations or provide references.

REACH Teaching awards: details coming soon.


Recipients will receive their awards at the annual REACH Awards ceremony in May 2025. The awards will be publicized by UVic Communications + Marketing.


The Committee holds its discussions and deliberations in camera. Upholding confidentiality measures is important to safeguarding the privacy and professional reputation of the nominees and to foster an environment of trust in the selection process.

The committee members recognize that the materials and discussions shared during the adjudication process are privileged and confidential. This includes all application documents, letters of support, and any other information pertaining to the nominees. Committee members shall not disclose any details of the deliberations or discussions outside the committee. The REACH Research Awards Adjudication Committee will ensure the protection of nominees' privacy, uphold the credibility of the selection process, and reinforce the University of Victoria's dedication to ethical and equitable recognition of outstanding research contributions.


REACH Research awards: Contact the VPRI Awards Facilitator David Murphy.

REACH Teaching awards: Contact LTSI.