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Excellence in Early Career Research Award

The early career research award recognizes the importance of developing the next generation of scholars. UVic aims to build the capacity and expertise of early career researchers, ensuring a strong pipeline of highly skilled individuals who will contribute significantly to their respective fields. The award will be given to an early career researcher who has demonstrated strong potential to be a leader in their field. 


The award is open to faculty members and librarians not more than six (6) years from their first appointment as Assistant Professor or Librarian. The six-year limit does not include approved clock stoppages as outlined in Article 31 of the collective agreement. 

Nomination components

Nominations are to be made via the online form. The following supporting documents are to be uploaded through the form.

Nomination letter

A signed 1-page statement from a tenured UVic faculty member or librarian expressing the following components:

  • Descriptions of one or more specific activities that exemplify excellence relevant to this award.
  • Awards, honours and other forms of recognition. These might include (but are not limited to) exhibitions; research, creative or research-creation grants; invited presentations; election to boards; prizes.
  • A description of how the nominee’s work advances scholarship, art and/or societal impact.

Referee letter(s)

Minimum one, maximum two signed 1-page letter(s) from a UVic-associated campus community member (faculty, librarian, staff or student). Referees can have collaborated with the nominee, but they must disclose the nature of their relationship with the nominee and comment on any possible conflict of interest. Letters must express the following components:

  • Description of how the nominee meets the requirements for the award
  • A short biography of the referee
  • Explanation of relationship to the nominee

Reflective statement

A 1-page self-reflective statement from the nominee highlighting achievements relevant to this award (max. one page, 12-point font, 2.5 cm margins).


A CV of any length


This award is in the amount of a $1,000 research grant. Recipients will receive their awards at the annual REACH Awards ceremony in Spring, 2024. The awards will be publicized by UVic Communications + Marketing.


 Contact the Awards Facilitator.


Nominations are now closed.