Advising and student resources

UVic's academic advisors are here to help you navigate and schedule your degree program. The BSEng advisor deals with requests from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students in the Software Engineering Program. Requests from 1st year students are submitted to the admissions/advising officer in the Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUO). The advisors also assist students with course registration and degree evaluations.

When dealing with a student request, the advisor ensures that all relevant documentation (i.e., student transcripts, status, emails, course syllabus, etc.) are in place and then discusses the matter with the relevant program director who approves the request. Additional assistance may be provided by the ECE or CSC administrative officers and advisors as necessary.

Here are some of the forms and documents you might need to use during your BSEng degree:

Please visit the Office of the Registrar's forms website for these additional forms:

Not seeing what you need? There are other forms and documents on the Faculty of Engineering website.

Here are some common requests that the BSEng academic advisor deals with. Under normal circumstances, these requests can take up to two weeks.

Prerequisite waiver requests

Prerequisite waiver requests must be accompanied by academic justification of the request. Prerequisites will normally be enforced unless a student has a GPA ≥ 6 (B+) and can document familiarity with the material. Student opinion about their knowledge is not considered documented familiarity. Scheduling convenience will not be considered a valid argument. Prerequisite waiver requests that are subject to the completion of a supplemental exam will not be accepted.


Transfer credit and exchanges

The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science has to ensure students will graduate having met the minimum accredited pathway based on the criteria set by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. The Bachelor of Software Engineering program will not accept 300- or 400-level transfer credit for CSC, ECE, or SENG courses for use towards program requirements. However, transfer credit may be considered, if deemed equivalent, for 100- or 200-level courses.

There are no university exchange agreements in place for the Bachelor of Software Engineering program (BSEng). On a case-by-case basis, the Exchange Student Advisers in the International Centre for Students can work with engineering students to be accepted into their exchange program (with affiliated colleges/universities), though any 300- and 400-level courses taken would be considered surplus in the BSEng program (excluding courses towards the Complementary Studies and Natural Science electives). An approved Letter of Permission from the Engineering Undergraduate Office is required for each course prior to registration.

Request for transfer credit for courses taken outside UVic

As noted above, the Bachelor of Software Engineering program will not accept 300- or 400-level transfer credit for CSC, ECE, or SENG courses for use towards program requirements. However, transfer credit may be considered, if deemed equivalent, for 100- or 200-level courses.

Transfer credit requests are made to the Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUO) and evaluated by the department that offers the course (e.g., ECE, CSC). Once evaluated, recommendations are made to the EUO. Credits are awarded on an individual basis in accordance with the faculty policy for course or work credits in bachelor of engineering degree programs dated October 12, 1999. Normally, credit requests for courses from accredited programs offering similar courses, completed within the last three years with grade B (or equivalent), or better, will be granted. Normally, credits for courses taken at non-accredited programs will not be granted.

Requests to take courses from an outside institution

As noted above, the Bachelor of Software Engineering program will not accept 300- or 400-level transfer credit for CSC, ECE, or SENG courses for use towards program requirements. However, transfer credit may be considered, if deemed equivalent, for 100- or 200-level courses.

Transfer credit requests for courses are made to the department that offers the course (e.g., ECE, CSC). Students must fill out the transfer credit referral form and submit it to their advisor. A detailed course outline and syllabus must accompany the form for credit evaluation. Only courses from an accredited Canadian engineering program will be considered. If evaluation is successful, a recommendation is forwarded to the EUO who will issue a letter of permission. The letter of permission allows the student to take the course at the outside institution. Upon completion of the course, the student has to request the outside institution to forward the course transcript to UVic so the credit can be added to the student's program.


Other requests

The academic advisors deal with a variety of other requests:

  • Leave of absence
  • Taking complimentary studies courses not on the approved list
  • Taking natural science courses not on the approved list
  • Degree extension

These requests are forwarded to the Student Programs Committee (SPC). If a request needs to be considered by the SPC, please allow at least three weeks for the request to be tabled in the committee agenda. The SPC meets on the first week of each month. Requests made after the committee agenda had already been tabled are deferred to the next committee meeting the following month.

Here are some tips to help you when registering for courses.

Registering for classes

As soon as the timetable schedule is released, review the courses you want to take and submit any requests needed (e.g., complementary studies request, prerequisite waiver request, etc.) by completeing the required forms and submitting them to the BSEng advisor. Timetables are released February 15 for the summer session (summer term) and May 15 for the winter session (fall and spring terms).

Register for fall and spring courses in June, and summer courses in March: registration opens in the third week of the month. Time ticket information will be emailed to your ‘preferred’ email address and will be available on Online tools.

  • Register as soon as your time ticket opens – classes can fill up quickly!
  • Make sure you have met the prerequisites and co-requisites for your desired courses before you register.
  • You must register in the prerequisite or co-requisite course first.

Courses often have multiple sections. Check that you are registering in the correct section as some courses have restrictions on registration, e.g., A01 may be reserved for a certain major/program, and A02 for another major/program.

  • Click the CRN line in the ‘sections found’ table.
  • Next, click the course title in the pop-up window – different sections of the same course may have different restrictions.

Consult the correct Calendar for the session you are registering for.

  • For September and January courses, consult the September Calendar.
  • When you register in June, the Calendar link will take you to the current May Calendar page but the September Calendar can be accessed via a red link near the top of the Calendar home page.
  • When you register for Summer courses, you need to click on the May Calendar link.

Occasionally there are periods when the prerequisite checking program is turned off. If you happen to register for a course during one of these times and you have not successfully completed the prerequisite(s), you will be dropped from the course at a later date.

Prerequisite-related problems

When registering for a course, you may encounter problems, even though you have completed the prerequisite(s). Some reasons for this are:

  • You took a prerequisite course at another institution and your grade has not transferred and been placed on your UVic transcript.
  • You have a waiver or substitution for a course that serves as a prerequisite to another course.

If any of the above situations apply to you, contact the BSEng advisor before the beginning of the registration period to avoid issues when attempting to register.


You may see a 'C' when you attempt to register for a course: this indicates the course capacity is full and you will need to put yourself on the waitlist, if a waitlist is available. To add yourself to a waitlist, follow the instructions found here.

Waitlists expire after the last add date. The list may remain visible for a few days, however, offers are not active and will not be sent out. You should stop attending the class if you have not received a registration offer by the last add date.

Labs and tutorials

When registering for a course, register in both the lecture section and any associated lab and/or tutorial at the same time. If lab/tutorial sections are full, add yourself to the waitlist if a waitlist is available; periodically check your email and Online tools for any registration offers. If you are registered in a lecture section, you will be guaranteed a spot in the associated lab and/or tutorial.

For assistance with registration in labs and tutorials, contact the department that offers the course:


Many courses in the software engineering program are offered by different departments. If you have concerns with a course or lab/tutorial, contact the department that offers the course.

SENG courses offered by CSC

The following SENG courses are offered by the Department of Computer Science:

  • SENG265 Software Development Methods
  • SENG275 Software Testing
  • SENG310 Human Computer Interaction
  • SENG321 Requirements Engineering
  • SENG330 Object-Oriented Software Development
  • SENG350 Software Architecture and Design
  • SENG360 Security Engineering
  • SENG371 Software Evolution
  • SENG401 Social and Professional Issues
  • SENG404 Data Science for Software Engineering
  • SENG411 Advanced Methods for Human Computer Interaction
  • SENG421 Global Software Engineering
  • SENG435 Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
  • SENG457 Quantum Algorithms and Software Engineering
  • SENG474 Data Mining
  • SENG477 Safety and Assurance
  • SENG480A-D topics courses
  • SENG490 Directed Studies

SENG courses offered by ECE

The following SENG courses are offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering:

  • SENG426 Software Quality Engineering
  • SENG440 Embedded Systems
  • SENG460 Practice of Information Security and Privacy
  • SENG468 Software System Scalability
  • SENG475 Advanced Programming Techniques for Robust and Efficient Computing
  • SENG498 Honours Thesis
  • SENG499 Design Project II
Dr. Margaret-Anne Storey
Acting Program Director
Software Engineering
Cassandra Petrachenko
Program Coordinator
LeAnne Golinsky
Admissions/Advising Officer
Engineering admissions and transfers; undeclared engineering student advising
Office: EOW 211
Janette DeLong
Academic Advisor
Advising for 2nd and 3rd year SENG students
Office: EOW 206
Belinda de Jong
Academic Advisor
Advising for 4th year SENG students
Office: EOW 207
Ash Senini
Co-op Coordinator
Co-op coordinator for student numbers that end in 0 to 4
Office: ECS 230
Imen Bourguiba
Co-op Coordinator
Co-op coordinator for student numbers that end in 5 to 9
Office: ECS 224