Remembering Terry Johnson

Terry Johnson (1936 to 2003)

Terry Johnson was a faculty member for over 30 years. He was an exemplary teacher, an inventive writer and a tireless advocate for literacy education in elementary school system. Terry retired in 2001.

Donations in honour of Terry, by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and the Central Interior Council of the International Reading Association, have resulted in the purchase of much needed resources for the Learning Commons Curriculum Lab.

These donations funded the purchase of 86 books in the following categories:

  • A special collection of Children’s literature nominated for this year’s Governor General’s awards (both French and English), as well as a variety of other much needed and very valued books.
  • Award winning children’s literature the Learning Commons/Curriculum Lab previously had not held.
  • Big books (large format picture books)
  • Recommended books for the Critical Challenges series.
  • Additional books that are newly published older stores with rich illustrations.

A memorial bench was dedicated this year in memory of Terry. The bench is located outside the MacLaurin Building near the pyramid. This memorial bench was made possible by donations from Terry’s long-term partner, Daphne Louis, and faculty colleague, Dr. Robert Anthony.

His many contributions, friendship and guidance will not be forgotten by the Faculty of Education.