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International Student Profile: Andy Huang (China)

March 11, 2024

Andy Huang came from China to Canada to complete her high school diploma in North Vancouver, before beginning her undergraduate studies in electrical engineering at the University of Victoria (UVic) in September 2022. Now a second year student in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS), she is excited about the powerful possibilities of digital logic and advancing new frontiers in the technology of tiny components to positively transform the world.

“The reason why I picked Canada is because I wanted to go somewhere safe with lots of opportunities and new cultural experiences,” she says. “Studying at UVIc gives me lots of inspiration and new perspectives.”

Huang is enjoying campus life at UVic, finding a healthy balance between academic achievement and enjoying the Vancouver Island lifestyle.

“There are various clubs, not only usual clubs like sports clubs but also clubs that are related to equality, women's rights, food banks, and other clubs like game development, international clubs, global engineering brigades, etc. These are all exciting!”

In the area of electrical engineering, she sees a rapidly growing and evolving field with innovation at its core.

“The reason why I got into electrical engineering is that I want to help people have a better life,” she explains. “It is really powerful to see how these tiny components, chips, are being widely distributed in so many areas and how their computing and storage capabilities strengthen computer functions, gradually improving the whole machine design. I believe working on these tiny components is an effective way to develop the world.”

In the future, she wants to advance her knowledge through further academic study.

“I want to continue to study at the master’s and PhD level,” she says. “Working on innovation in electrical engineering, especially in the areas of powerful, small devices, requires a lot of knowledge. I want to be ready, and I’m focussing on achieving success step by step.”

At UVic, Huang has found a home away from home where she feels welcome and valued.

“The UVic community has amazing people encouraging you,” she says. “They are always there to guide you, to help you do what you want to do, to learn more, and how to be more professional.”

Her favourite part of electrical engineering?

“The mathematical part is my favourite, especially using integrals and derivatives to determine 3D objects' properties” she says. ”A lot of people think math is really boring, but when you see how it applies to technology in the real world, it’s amazing. I am also delighted to learn how to use digital logic and sequential logic to let electrical devices communicate with each other. That's my field and I just love it!"