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Community outreach

group of high tech u students

The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science provides a number of high-impact services to the wider community.

Opportunities for employers

Hire our amazing students through opportunities such as:

STEM programs for children & youth

Since 1991, UVic’s Science Venture has provided innovative, hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programming to youth ages 5 to 18 across Vancouver Island. UVic students from the Faculties of Engineering and Computer Science, Science and Education deliver year-round activities such as:

  • summer camps
  • workshops
  • after-school clubs

HighTechU is an innovative learning community for BC high-school-aged youth to:

  • make connections
  • build professional skills
  • explore diverse education and career pathways related to technology

Based at UVic’s Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, HighTechU participants work on hands-on projects that build a passion for technology.

GoEngGirl is a fun, free opportunity for girls who may be interested in exploring engineering as an academic path and career. Activities include:

  • a hands-on team design challenge
  • meeting engineering professionals, students and teams
  • a pizza lunch
  • a parent information session

GoCodeGirl is an exciting opportunity for girls to learn about coding, software development, and the fields of computing, technology and engineering. This event follows a similar lineup as GoEngGirl. 

Sessions for seniors

Our Department of Computer Science offers free seniors program sessions, designed for seniors with little or no experience in the digital world:

  • search engines
  • email
  • social media
  • online privacy

Lifelong learning

Many of our faculty’s presentations and special events are free and open to the public. Find them in our Events Calendar.