News and events
- We're Hiring - Sessional Lecturers
- We're Hiring, Faculty Positions
- We're Hiring, Assistant Professors in Computer Science
- Computer Science office staff are now working remotely
- Message from the Chair
- 2019 Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal
- ideafest: Getting up to speed with nature's imagination
- 2019 CASCON IBM Awards
- Ideafest event: "Alexa, please explain machine learning"
- A Note on Diversity
- We are Hiring for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Data Science
- Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE 2018)
- HighTechU Pilot Project
- Dr. Daniela Damian, Recipient of 2018 CEL Grant
- We're Hiring, Assistant Teaching Professor
- Welcome, Dr. Kwang Moo Yi
- Welcome (back) Neil Ernst!
- Congratulations to Outstanding Graduate and Undergraduate Students!
- Welcome, Dr. Nishant Mehta!
- Nicholas Benson Receives Governor General Silver Medal!
- Attention 1st Year Students!
- Congratulations to Dr. Alona Fyshe, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar for Brain, Mind and Consciousness
- We are hiring for a Limited Term Receptionist Position
- We are currently accepting applications for Assistant Professor Positions
- Dr. Mantis Cheng, recipient of Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Dr. Peggy Storey announced as CRC
- Andreas Bergen awarded Farquharson Teaching Award
- Improving seniors' home care with wireless technology
- Outstanding CSC grad students
- Archive sample 1