About the Digicaster program

Get the information you need to make a decision on installing digital signage in your unit.

If you have any questions about the Digicaster program, please contact martechpod@uvic.ca

How does the Digicaster program work?

Any UVic unit may participate in the program. Though digital signage is optional, this program is the only campus solution for installing new digital signage.

To participate in the program, your department must take the following steps:

  1. Develop a content plan for your area. 
  2. Purchase your own hardware and arrange for installation (via the Technology Solutions Centre and Facilities Management).
  3. Elect a content manager in your unit (and an alternate) to create, manage and schedule content for your digital signage. Read more about content management duties.

You manage your own displays

The greatest benefit of the network is that all signage will be individually managed.

Your unit will have the freedom to decide 80 per cent of the content on your displays. The other 20 per cent will be managed by UVic Communications and Marketing.

The university will provide the content management software, training and support for free as part of the program package.