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Angelina Schwarz (history and European studies)

A student stands with their employer in front of some artwork.

UVic history and European Studies co-op student Angelina Schwarz’s internship at the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INPTA), opened doors for her to explore the intricate world of Canada-EU relations and its profound impact on multiple United Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Engaging with community

With the guidance of her supervisor, Angelina organized a panel discussion as her community engagement activity with representatives from the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Mission of Canada to the European Union.

Sharing her objectives for this event, Angelina expressed, “My objectives for my community engagement activity were to make a meaningful contribution to my host community, learn more about EU-Canada bilateral relations, and network and form new contacts in Belgium.”

The discussions fulfilled her learning goals—“I was able to learn a great deal about Canada-EU relations on a variety of topics, notably SDG engagement, joint collaboration on the war in Ukraine, and upholding democracy and human rights.”

A CIFAL Victoria initiative

As part of her work term,funded by Global Skills Opportunity, Angelina took part in a new UVic co-op initiative that helps students directly link their work to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

This program, developed in partnership with CIFAL Victoria, a training centre connected to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), provides students who do co-op terms outside Canada with the opportunity to receive UN accreditation for engaging in co-op work terms that advance the UN SDGs as part of their experiences. They must also lead a community-based activity that supports the SDGs in their host country.

Addressing UN goals 5, 9, 16 and 17

Angelina strategically focused on SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 5 (Gender Inequality), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Her cultural intelligence played a pivotal role in ensuring consideration and respect, when navigating through sensitive international topics.

”Using the CQ strategy, I focused on topics for discussions and questions I could ask that lead back to the SDGs. For example, at the Canadian Mission, I inquired how Canada and the EU are jointly working together on supporting women affected by sexual violence due to the war in Ukraine,” she describes her approach.

The discussions spanned diverse areas, including joint security and defense strategies in conflict zones like Palestine and Kosovo and the shared commitment of the Canada-EU alliance to prioritizing human rights and peace during the war in Ukraine.

Leveraging leadership skills

Angelina’s emergence as a potent leader was a direct result of her adept organization of the panel discussion. From the initial concept to the flawless execution, her leadership skills were strongly evident.

“I organized my event and made it attractive for participants. Then, I took the initiative to reach out to different Brussels professionals for their participation in panel discussions. Additionally, I lead discussions on key themes, such as the UN SDGS and how Canada-EU relations support gender equality projects. Lastly, through relevant question-asking, I demonstrated my knowledge of key subjects.”

Using a diplomatic approach

Taking advantage of being in a prestigious international setting, Angelina put her networking skills to use and individually interacted with professionals from various EU backgrounds.

“I now have the contact information from various EU professionals which will be beneficial in the future if I am considering a professional career in Europe or if I decide to complete another internship in Brussels.”

As Angelina’s journey unfolds, her community engagement activity stands as a testament to her ability to bridge cultures, explore the depths of diplomatic relations, and leave a lasting impact on her host community.