The Edge elevator pitch

This elevator pitch is not a script, but rather something you can use to quickly describe UVic in any situation.

At the University of Victoria, you'll benefit from what we call the UVic Edge. It's the result of a fusion of three things—a combination you won't find anywhere else:

Our learning edge: where our commitment to dynamic learning creates a natural advantage for our students. Here, research-inspired teaching integrated with hands-on experiences accelerates personal growth and career success.

Our impact edge: We're committed to vital impact. As an internationally renowned teaching and research hub, we tackle essential issues that matter—to people, places and the planet.

Our environment edge: Our extraordinary academic environment inspires bold action and new ways of thinking. Discovery, creativity and innovation come naturally here. We're a vibrant Pacific Rim community, enriched with Indigenous and international perspectives.

So that's it. That's the UVic Edge—dynamic learning and vital impact in Canada's most extraordinary environment for discovery and innovation.