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Consent for photos, videos or recordings

A consent form is a legal agreement between the university and the person you are photographing or recording.

The purpose is to provide clarity and transparency and to avoid misunderstandings. It’s also to ensure we comply with relevant laws such as: 

  • the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, which contains requirements for the collection and use of personal information (including an individual’s image)
  • the Privacy Act, which requires an individual to consent to their image being used for promotional purposes

Every photo, video or recording session should have an associated form (or forms, depending on number of people). Before presenting the form to the person, have a conversation with them about use. 

How to use the form

The form is available in Word and fillable PDF versions. Fill out section 1 before getting the person to sign the form. Talk to them about consent for general promotional use beyond the purpose of the session and ask them to select yes in section 2 if they're comfortable. 

Forms can be printed and signed by hand and then scanned or photographed (e.g., on a phone). Forms can also be signed with an electronic signature. 

Store a digital version of the form in the same location you store the photos, videos or recordings. 

Send a copy of the form to the person. 

When to use the form

Always use a form when working with students. A form is not required for faculty and staff if their duties require them to be photographed in a specific context, such as speaking at an event. In most other cases, such as promotional research photographs, use a form. 

A form is not required for crowd images at UVic events (presentations, ceremonies, performances, sports and other events voluntarily attended), if attendees have been informed via signage or some other method that the event will be photographed and/or recorded.  

In UVic outdoor public spaces, a form is not required provided no single person is dominantly featured. If people are recognizable, it’s good practice to inform them you’re taking crowd images and give them the opportunity to move.  

In private spaces, such as a classroom, a form is required for anyone recognizable in the image or recording. Provide individuals the opportunity to remove themselves from the frame. 

Verbal permission

For accessibility and cultural reasons, some people might prefer to not sign a form. In these instances, still send them a form to review. Ask them to use a recorder or phone to provide their name and state that they’ve read the form and agree to the terms. Store the recording with the images or recording.


We ask students for their time and effort, and in turn we benefit from using their images. Units that are able should consider compensating students $25/hr. This includes shoot, travel and prep time (wardrobe/makeup, etc.) 

If a photo or video is going to be used in paid advertising, consider offering additional compensation.