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Sustainable Development Goal 15

Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Learn how UVic advanced SDG 15 during 2022:



Scopus/Elsevier 2018-22


Scopus/Elsevier 2018-22


Scopus/Elsevier 2018-22

Education & student experience

SDG 15 in action at Co-op and Career
Uvic's Cooperative Education and Careers program logo next to the United Nations Sustainable Development Wheel logo

Discover how Co-op students are addressing SDG 15

Animal law and youth activism
Poster of an event with four individual photos of young females engaging with animals (goat, pigs, rooster), with the text: "A Deeper Kindness: Animal Law & Youth Activism. Directed by Maneesha Deckha, Professor and Lansdowne Chair in Law, University of Victoria. Watch it free on:" ant the logos of the UVic's Faculty of Law  and the Brooks Institute"

Surveying the current field of animal law and policy through the eyes of four youth active in animal advocacy

Sustainable agricultural systems
Text containing the legend: "Continuing Studies @ UVic"

Ecological perspective applied to urban areas and agriculture toward sustainability

Ecological restoration
Photo of a heart being held by two hands on a tree trunk

Promoting learning, knowledge and skills to restore natural habitats


Campus as a living lab
Poster of the event: "Campus as a living lab for climate solutions showcase & discussion. An online event. Thursday, February 10, 2022, 9:30 am 12:00 PST" with logos of the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria, University of British Columbia

Experiential learning, innovation, and knowledge development to address sustainability challenges

Bear conservation
Poster of the Bear project with a digital art of a bear walking on the forest, and the logos of the partners: "Heilsuk Integrated Resource Management Department, Wuikinuxv First Nation, Hakai Science on the Coastal Margin, and Rain Coast Applied Conservation Lab"

Understanding bears' behaviour and ecology from genetic analysis

Biodiversity research
Photo of a small waterfall with sun rays passing through the rainforest

Surveying life on Earth to help protect natural resources and ecosystems

Animals & Society Research Initiative
Logo of the Animals and Society Research Initiative with a circle made out of animal and human prints

Understanding practices and conceptualizations of human-animal/interspecies relations

Community & campus operations

Field schools
Picture of students bagging trees on Tl’ches (Chatham Island) during an ethnoecology field school offered in partnership with the Songhees Nation

Community-based programs on regenerative and restorative designs for ecological and social resilience

Ecological restoration club
Logo of the UVic Ecological Restoration Club, depicting a large sunflower, a fern, mushroom and other leaves, a flying bee and a looper tool

Building capacities to restore ecosystems by engaging in regional stewardship initiatives

Living Lab
Logo of the Living Lab as described by its author, Sarah Jim: "This image represents the interconnected nature of the land, water, culture, traditional ecological knowledge, and western science. The roots of the cedar represent not only the veins of life for the tree, but is a metaphor for a complex and diverse network of people that work within the Living Lab project. The paddles, clam shell, and midden indicate a rich history and connection to the ocean for Coast Salish people as the salt water is a means of transportation, livelihood, and sustenance through reef net fishing. The camas flower is a significant part of Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ life as well due to it being a rich food source and trade food. The way the crescents and trigons on the top physically connect to the land below is a signifier of the interconnectedness of art, culture, and land".

Developing and implementing community-driven ecosystem and climate action projects

Applied conservation lab
Logo of the Raincoast Applied Conservation Science Lab with an icon of a wolf

Supporting social-ecological sustainability that considers nature and the people who rely on it

Policy & policy making

Campus Plan
Photo of one of UVic walking paths with trees, lamp posts and three students walking by

Principles, big ideas and design guidelines that improve the landscape and public realm on campus

Water standards
Stock picture of a "UVic Vikes" branded aluminum bottle being refilled at a drinking water fountain  on campus

Water guidelines and standards that protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare

Plastic reduction
Photo of a female and male UVic staff members disposing waste into the large waste bins distributed on campus with colour signages for each type of waste

Diverting waste from the landfill through innovative recycling and composting initiatives

Waste water
Aerial view of the University of Victoria Campus

Dealing with hazardous waste on campus in an environmentally responsible manner