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Sustainable Development Goal 13

Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Learn how UVic advanced SDG 13 during 2022:

437,846 GJ

Total energy used


energy from low carbon sources


Centres dedicated to climate research



Scopus/Elsevier 2018-22


Scopus/Elsevier 2018-22


Scopus/Elsevier 2018-22

Education & student experience

SDG 13 in action at Co-op and Career
Uvic's Cooperative Education and Careers program logo next to the United Nations Sustainable Development Wheel logo

Discover how Co-op students are addressing SDG 13

New bachelor degree in climate science
Photo of three students from the UVic geography 477 field school at Bridge Glacier

The first program on North America's West Coast to receive UN accreditation for climate science education

Living with Climate Change
Poster of the Living with Climate Change report published by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and CIFAL Victoria with the title: "Youth Championing the SDGs" with two digital images of youth (male and female) extending their arms with symbols allusive to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

A student-led initiative exploring and sharing youth experiences concerning life amidst climate change, published by UNITAR

Climate action planning
Text containing the legend: "Continuing Studies @ UVic"

Micro-certificate in Climate Action Planning, guiding us in the right direction to respond effectively to climate challenges


Managing climate risks
Photo of a highway washed by a grown river in the British Columbia Interior during 2021

Linking athmospheric river events and floods to human-induced climate change

Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
Logo of the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, depicting a section where two concentric circles meet. The logo represents the discoveries and solutions that emerge when Research Partners and Solution Seekers  work together.

Cutting-edge research advancing and informing climate change mitigation and adaptation

Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium
Logo of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium
Providing practical information on the physical impacts of climate variability and change in Canada
Accelerating community energy transformation
Digital art depicting  green technologies related to sustainable energy and oceans
A multi-partner research initiative to achieve clean-energy systems goals
Blue carbon storage
Aerial photo of UVic researchers surveying kelp distribution  in the ocean at Vancouver Island

Assessing the storage capacity of blue carbon ecosystems to help mitigate climate change

Climate solutions research
Photo of a stationary helicopter on the water  while two researchers take water samples from the Ells River in Northern Alberta

Enhancing collaboration between UVic and Environment and Climate Change Canada on Water and Climate Impacts

Community & campus operations

Climate and Sustainability Action Plan
Photo of a young woman holding a fern leaf and smiling to the camera, situated in the forest of Mystique Vale at UVic

Preparing new generations of leaders on climate solutions through teaching, research and campus operations

Carbon pricing for industry
Logo of the University of Victoria next to the text: "Gustavson  School of Business, University of Victoria"

Helping companies thrive in a greening, carbon-priced economy

Decarbonizing finance
Aerial view of the University of Victoria Campus

Shifting UVic’s working capital investments to reduce their carbon intensity

Climate finance for BC
Photo of Gustavson Shcool of Business researchers Basma Majerbi and Michael King, in a forest area with the text:  "The Climate Finance Project" and the logos of the Pacific Institute for Climate Solitions (PICS), UVic, and the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation  (BCi)

Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation considerations into investment decisions

Policy & policy making

Responsible investment
Front page of the Responsible Investment Report 2021-2022, University of Victoria Foundation, with a picture of trees and the Petch Fountain

Addressing risks and opportunities associated with environmental, social & governance, and climate change

Climate modelling hub
Photo of Civil engineer Madeleine McPherson standing on a bridge in Vancouver at night, with the illuminated city in the background

Providing consistent, evidenced-based tools to policymakers on how best to transition to cleaner energy sources

Jumpstart climate policy
Lanscape photo of the metropolitan city of Montreal at dusk, with the title:  "Improving  Climate Policy Projections. A Pan-Canadian review of Energy-Economy Models

Improving climate policy projections to help implement effective climate policy

Climate & energy expertise
Profile photo of Dr. Curran Crawford

Expert on climate change mitigation through community energy transition