Cultural, Social and Political Thought Program (CSPT)

The Cultural, Social and Political Thought Program (CSPT) is an interdisciplinary program that brings Sociology faculty and students with interdisciplinary theoretical interests into contact with a vibrant network of like-minded scholars in other academic units on campus, and thereby enriches the intellectual climate of the Sociology department.

Sociology Faculty Members who participate in the CSPT program include:

Note: Your supervisor must be a participating CSPT Faculty member who is also a member of the Sociology Department.   Students receive their degree in Sociology with CSPT as an add-on program.

For further program details, please see Cultural, Social and Political Thought Program website.

Master's: thesis option with CSPT

Students wishing to pursue the CSPT option must receive permission from the Cultural, Social, and Political Thought program.   Normally, this is done by applying for entry into the program prior to a student beginning their MA studies.   

This program requires 7.5 units of course work (i.e. five courses) and a 7.5-unit thesis (SOCI 599) whose topic must be within the field of CSPT.

CSPT Master's students are required to demonstrate competence in both sociological theory (SOCI 503 or 504) and method (SOCI 507 and SOCI 515).   Students must also complete two CSPT graduate courses (3.0 units).   CSPT students are encouraged to consider taking an additional sociology course in their main area of interest.   Additional courses may be taken either for credit, or as an auditor.

Course Requirements

Course Units
Thesis (SOCI 599) 7.5
Intermediate Social Statistics (SOCI 507) 1.5
Qualitative Research  (SOCI 515) 1.5

One of the following:

Course Units
Foundations of Sociological Explanations (SOCI 503) 1.5
Current Issues in Social Theory (SOCI 504) 1.5

Two of the following:

Course Units
Topics in Cultural, Social and Political Thought (CSPT 500) 1.5
Contemporary Cultural, Social and Political Thought: I (CSPT 501) 1.5
Directed Readings (CSPT 590) 1.5

Thesis Preparation

Before a student commences work on the thesis, a thesis proposal outlining the student's research problem must be approved at a meeting of the student and her/his supervisory committee.   A copy of the proposal and the recommendations of the supervisory committee will be placed in the student's file.   Typically, CSPT theses are between 80 and 120 pages long.   Students should consult the Guide to Graduate Studies in Sociology, for details on thesis preparation.

Oral Examination

All students will undergo an oral examination upon completion of their thesis.

Supervisory Committee

Students in the CSPT option will be supervised by a committee consisting of their academic supervisor and at least one other CSPT faculty member from a different academic unit.   Additional committee members may or may not be from the home academic unit.

Master's: major research paper option with CSPT

PhD: CSPT option

All CSPT doctoral students pursuing the CSPT option must meet the core requirements of their own department as well as the specific requirements of the CSPT program.

A CSPT PhD student must complete a minimum of 7.5 units of course work, subject to the same basic requirements that apply to other Sociology doctoral students.   CSPT doctoral students are required to take one section of CSPT 601, plus one section of either CSPT 600 or CSPT 690.   In addition, the first component of the candidacy exam is replaced by a CSPT exam, which is set by the CSPT program.

Students in the CSPT option will be supervised by a committee consisting of their academic supervisor, who must be affiliated with the CSPT program, and at least two other members.   One of the other members must be from the Sociology Department and the other member must be a CSPT faculty member from a different academic unit.   The student's dissertation must meet the requirements of both the CSPT Program and the Department of Sociology.   The topic must be within the broad field of cultural, social and political thought.   Students wishing to take the CSPT option must receive approval from the CSPT program.

Course Requirements

Course  Units
Total 31.5
Courses  4.5
CSPT 601  1.5
CSPT 600 or CSPT 690  1.5
PhD Candidacy Examinations      3.0
Dissertation 21.0