Quinn Fitzgerald

Quinn Fitzgerald
Quinn was often one of the only girls on the course growing up

Pursuing double passions

Golfing can be a lonely sport for a young girl and so can the pursuit of a career in science. Yet for Quinn Fitzgerald these passions drove her to excel. Quinn was often one of the only girls on the Alberta golf courses she first played on. Undaunted, she practiced week after week, making golf her sole focus, until she was playing competitively in Alberta, and eventually nationally.  Meanwhile, encouraged by her online mentor in the Cybermentor program, she nurtured her passion for science. 

When the time came for Quinn to choose a university, she looked for one that would allow her to pursue both her academic and sports goals. She researched the University of Victoria Faculty of Science, then flew to Victoria to meet with the golf coach and team. Almost instantly Quinn knew she’d found her new home.

Proud to be a Vike

Quinn’s schedule at UVic is very full, but she is getting to do the things she loves most: spending time in the lab, cultivating her love of microbiology in preparation for medical school applications, and playing golf. She plays across North America and every day is proud to call herself a Vike. Quinn is extremely grateful for the financial support she receives as a student athlete and knows that without it she would not be able to devote as much time to her two passions as she does.  

“As a female golfer, it’s really important for me to receive an athletic scholarship and hopefully inspire younger girls by showing them that support is available.” To that end, Quinn regularly makes time to coach developing players.

From mentee to mentor

As a microbiology major who describes herself as “endlessly excited about science”, she’s also committed to encouraging girls to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. She’s graduated from mentee to mentor in the Cybermentor program and volunteers with UVic’s “Let’s Talk Science” program.

It’s really rewarding for me knowing that I’m helping a younger girl who’s in the same position as me when I was her age.

It’s hard to make the time, but Quinn hasn’t forgotten how she came to be living her dream and is determined to pay it forward.