Campus Cycling Plan Implementation – Lighting Installation - REVISED DATE

CARSA to Dawnview Crescent and Gabriola Road

Facilities Management is working with Sparker Construction Ltd. on the replacement of four streetlights along Gabriola Road and the installation of light poles along the path from CARSA to Dawnview
Crescent. See attached map for reference.

This work will require excavation for the installation of four replacement lights along Gabriola Road with the remaining lights installed on existing bases.

During this installation, Gabriola Road will be closed to vehicle traffic but will remain open to cyclists and pedestrians. Also, the bike lane from CARSA to Dawnview Crescent will be closed. Cyclists will be advised to dismount and use the pedestrian pathway.

Traffic control personnel will be on site as required to direct vehicular, cyclist, and pedestrian traffic. Please respect their directions and signage during this activity.

For more information, please visit the Campus Planning website at

Wednesday, September 18 to Friday, September 20, 2024 - 7:30am - 4:30pm 

View/download Facilities Notice: Campus Cycling Plan Implementation–Lighting Install - REVISED DATE

Contact/Organizer Name: Terry Moen, Project Manager

Contact/Organizer Email Address: