Roshan Danesh

Roshan Danesh
Order-in-council appointee

Roshan Danesh is a lawyer, conflict resolution innovator, and educator whose areas of work, teaching, and writing include constitutional law, Indigenous rights, international peace-building, and leadership and organizational change. 

Danesh completed his S.J.D at Harvard Law School and LL.B at the University of Victoria, and has taught at many academic institutions including the University of British Columbia and University of Victoria.  For the last 20 years Danesh has worked extensively on advancing Indigenous title and rights and reconciliation, including advising the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations, Indigenous nations across Canada, as well as the federal, provincial, and local governments. 

For two years Danesh served as the special counsel on Indigenous reconciliation to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould. Danesh has also advised governments and organizations around the world in the areas of peace-building, human rights, proactive conflict-resolution, organizational management and change, and leadership.