Microsoft Bookings help centre

Microsoft Bookings is a scheduling tool you can use to manage appointments with your clients or colleagues. It integrates with your UVic Microsoft 365 account in Outlook to optimize your calendar and provides a web-based booking page for easy scheduling.

There are two different Microsoft Bookings tools: Personal Bookings and Shared Bookings.

Microsoft Bookings tools are available to UVic employees only.

Personal Bookings

You can use Microsoft Personal Bookings to manage your own appointment timeslots and share your availability with people. You can set the duration and timing of appointments that are available for people to book.

Key uses of Personal Bookings:

  • Office hours
  • Consultations

Learn more about Personal Bookings from Microsoft Support.

How to request Personal Bookings

Personal bookings is available to all UVic employees, but not enabled by default. It requires some calendar changes that turn on some public view settings. This means that your free/busy calendar availability will be visible to anyone who has the link to your Personal Bookings page. 

If you're interested in turning on personal bookings for your UVic calendar, submit a request.

Request Personal Bookings

Using Personal Bookings

Who can access my public Bookings page?

Public meeting types can be accessed by anyone that has your Bookings with me page address. You decide who you share your Bookings with me page address with.

How do I share my Personal Booking link?

You can share your Personal Booking link via email, copy it, or add it to your email signature. Copy the link and share it with your contacts. They can then use this link to book appointments with you.

Shared Bookings

You can use Microsoft Shared Bookings to schedule and manage appointments for a team. You would use Shared Bookings when you want to show the availability and have multiple staff members able to be booked for appointments.

Key uses of Shared Bookings:

  • Client appointments - you can create a shared booking page where clients can book time with your team members based on their availability.
  • Internal resource management - you can manage the booking of shared resources such as meeting rooms, hotdesks, or equipment.

Learn more about Shared Bookings from Microsoft Support.

How to request shared bookings

A shared bookings calendar is available to all UVic employees but is not enabled by default. The calendar will be created by an IT support staff who will give your account full access to manage the shared bookings calendar.

If you're interested in a shared bookings calendar, submit a request.

Request Shared Bookings

Support for Bookings

We've curated a list of Microsoft Support guides that cover Personal Bookings and Shared Bookings in more detail:

If you need assistance with Microsoft Bookings or with finding training resources, contact the Computer Help Desk.