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Since early May 2022 cases of monkeypox have been reported in many countries. There have been cases in Canada, including Vancouver Island.

 We encourage you to:

  • Learn about monkeypox symptoms and transmission
  • Get vaccinated if you’re eligible
  • Contact a healthcare provider if you think you have monkeypox or have been exposed

Get vaccinated

In Victoria, the monkeypox vaccine is available for people who are most at risk of contracting the disease. If you are eligible for the vaccine, you can book an appointment with Island Health.

If you're sick

If you think you have monkeypox, it’s important to contact a health provider or your local public health office promptly. UVic students can access same-day or prebooked appointments at the Student Wellness Centre (SWC). If you can’t get to the SWC, find a clinic near you.

If you test positive or are waiting for your testing appointment, avoid close contact with others and follow public health guidance. See the BC Centre for Disease Control’s (BCCDC) guidance on what to do if you’re ill

Symptoms and transmission

Monkeypox spreads through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact. It can take 5 days to 3 weeks for someone to show symptoms of monkeypox after exposure.

Symptoms last 2-4 weeks and occur in two stages. In the first stage, symptoms can include fever, chills, headache, back and muscle pain, and fatigue. In the second stage a rash develops with sores or blisters.

Stay up to date with everything you need to know about monkeypox on the BCCDC website