Catherine Krull

Catherine Krull
Office: MWB, Room A110

PhD (University of Alberta, 1996)

Catherine Krull is a professor of sociology at UVic and an adjunct professor of cultural studies at Queen’s University.  She is currently a research fellow at ILCS, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and part of the UNESCO Chair team for the Knowledges for Change Global Consortium. Her research focuses primarily on migration and diasporic cultures, diversity, and reproductive politics.  She is past editor of Cuban Studies, as well as editor-in-chief of the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Recent book publications include Entangled Terrains and Identities in Cuba: Memories of Guantánamo, and, Cuba in Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism and Transnationalism. Catherine has held research fellowships at the Institute of Latin American Studies (David Rockefeller Center, Harvard University), the Institute for Advanced Studies (University of London), the University of Ljubljana, the Institute of Latin American Studies (University of Florida), the Department of Sociology (Boston University), and the Centre for International Studies (London School of Economics). She is currently working on two major projects: Re-imagining Cuba and the Cuban Diaspora (with Jean Stubbs, University of London) and Cultural and Political Displacement: Gottscheer/Kocevsko (with Vladimir Preblic, University of Ljubljana and Brian McKercher, University of Victoria).

Her research on Cuba consists of three projects:

  1. Cuba's New Diaspora (with Jean Stubbs, University of London): Her most recent project (with Jean Stubbs, University of London) addresses Cuban communities outside the United States. This SSHRC funded project focuses on Cuban émigrés living in Toronto (Canada), Paris (France), Berlin (Germany), Madrid (Spain), and London (United Kingdom). The object of this research is to demonstrate that recent migratory patterns and modes of incorporation have shaped a new Cuban diaspora that differs largely from the traditional exile group in the United States. Professors Krull and Stubbs have recently submitted two papers pertaining to this project. She also recently edited a book entitled Cuba in a Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism and Transnationalism (2014; University symposiums/workshops on Latin American Diasporas in Europe: London, Novermber 2011; Guradeloupe June 2012; Paris, October 2012; Exter, March 2014; Merida, May 2014.
  2. Generational Research: her research in Cuba has entailed collaborative field work in Havana over the past seven years. In this regard, she has been examining intergenerational differences among Cuban women in terms of social identity, strategies of resistance, community formation and participation in Cuban society. The focal point of this research is on the intersection of neighbourhood, class, gender and generation, within a context of understanding the national-scale events that have shaped Cuba. To date, she has given several conference papers, published (and submitted for publication) several papers and has been working on two books: a singled authored monograph, ntitled Revolution, Generational Politics and Women’s Daily Life in Cuba and a co-authored book (with Sonia Enajamio, Ines Rodríguez and Lourdes Peréz) entitled Mujeres cubanas en tiempos de cambio (Cuban Women in Changing Times), Ciudad de la Habana: Editorial de la Mujer (forthcoming).
  3. 50 Years of Revolution: In May 2009, Dr. Krull, along with Soraya Castro (Havana University), Louis Perez, Jr., (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Susan Ecstien, organized and hosted an international conference that focused on fifty years of the Cuban Revolution and which included approximately 226 presenters and 430 attendees. Participants were from more than 15 different countries, including 52 from Cuba. She co-edited a special issue of The Cuban Studies Series (Issue 41, 2010) with Dr. Castro that assessed critical moments, achievements and failures over 50 years of the Revolution as well as an edited collection, with Dr. Jean Stubbs, on revisiting gender and race after 50 years of the Cuban revolution. She is also co-editor of a book on the Global 1960s, which includes an important focus on Cuba during this time period.

Her published research with regards to postcolonialism/indigenous issues, women’s equity, family diversity and Canadian family policies focuses on the impact of Canadian policies on marginalized groups such as Aboriginal women, immigrant women, the poor, etc. and includes several journal articles/book chapters and co-edited book, entitled Demystifying the Family/Paid Work Contradiction: Challenges and Possibilities (UBC University Press). This book offers a unique theoretical as well as empirical objective to identify a means of integrating rather than reconciling household work and paid work. She addresses a decisive refocus and demystification of the divide, not only as an artificial cultural construction, but in fact as a very useful neo-conservative as well as neo-liberal tool to perpetuate the mainstream ideologies. In terms of reproductive politics, she has published several articles/book chapters examining the impact of pronatalism and nationalism on Quebec women’s reproductive choices. My most recent publications incude an article in the Canadian Review of Policy Studies and a chapter in Patricia Albanese’s Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives (Oxford University Press).


  • migration
  • diasporas
  • inequality
  • transnationalism
  • circuits of knowledge
  • gender politics and the state
  • body/reproductive politics
  • Cuba/Latin America
  • postcolonialism/indigenous issues


Canadian Journal of Latin American Caribbean Studies Cuba Studies Cuba in Global Context
New World Coming Life in Balance


Refereed Books and Journals

Krull, Catherine. (2014) Cuba in a Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism and Transnationalism. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Krull. Catherine (Ed) (2014). Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(75), Routledge Press.

Krull. Catherine (Ed) (2013). Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(74), University of Calgary Press.

Krull. Catherine (Ed) (2013). Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(73), University of Calgary Press.

Krull. Catherine (Ed) (2012). Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 35(72), University of Calgary Press.

Krull. Catherine (Ed) (2012). Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 35(71), University of Calgary Press.

Krull, Catherine and Jean Stubbs. (Eds)  (2011). Rereading Women and the Cuban Revolution, Cuban Studies Series, 41. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Krull, Catherine and Justyna Sempruch. (2011).  A Life in Balance? Reopening the Family-Work Debate. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 

Krull, Catherine and Soraya Castro. (2010). (Eds)  The Measure of a Revolution: Cuba, 1959-2009. Cuban Studies Series, 40. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Dubinsky, Karen, Catherine Krull, Susan Lord, Sean Mills and Scott Rutherford. (2009). New World Coming: The 1960s and the Shaping of Global Consciousness. Toronto: BTL Press.


Books In Progress

Krull, Catherine. (in progress), Generations, Memory and Political Consciousness: Women’s Daily Life in Cuba. (to be completed 2014).

Krull, Catherine, Sonia Enjamio, Lourdes Perez and Ines Rodriguez. (Forthcoming) Mujeres cubanas en tiempos de cambio (Cuban Women in Changing Times). Ciudad de la Habana: Editorial de la Mujer (completed and in editing phase)

Journal Articles (Refereed)


Krull, Catherine. (2013) “In Conversation with Louis Perez, Jr.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(75), Routledge Press: (16 pp).

Krull, Catherine. (2013) “Looking Back and Moving Forward—Reflections on Latin American and Caribbean Studies” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(74), University of Calgary Press: 219-22.

Krull, Catherine. (2014) “Foreword/Avant-propos” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(75), Routledge Press: (5-11).

Krull, Catherine. (2013) “Foreword/Avant-propos” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Calgary Press: 36(74): 5-8.

Krull, Catherine. (2012) “Foreword/Avant-propos” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(73), University of Calgary Press: 5-9.

Krull, Catherine. (2012) “Foreword/Avant-propos” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(72), University of Calgary Press: 5-9.

Krull, Catherine. (2011) “Foreword/Avant-propos” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(71), University of Calgary Press: 5-11.

Krull, Catherine and Jean Stubbs. (2011) “Gender, Sexuality and Revolution Revisited.” Rereading Women and the Cuban Revolution, Cuban Studies Series. Cuban Studies Series. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. (6 pp.)

Krull, Catherine and Melanie Davidson. (2011). “Adapting to Cuba’s Shifting Food Landscapes: Women’s Strategies of Resistance.” Rereading Women and the Cuban Revolution, Cuban Studies Series. Cuban Studies Series. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. (33 pages).

Krull, Catherine. (2011). “Food: Gender and Food Shortages.” Cuba: People, Culture, History. Gale, Cengage Learning. Pp. 365-370.

Krull, Catherine and Soraya Castro. (2010) “The Measure of a Revolution”. The Measure of a Revolution: Cuba, 1959-2009, Cuban Studies Series. 41: University of Pittsburgh Press. Pp 1-9.

Krull, Catherine. 2010. "Interviewing: Structured, Unstructured, and Postmodern." In
George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan’s (Co-Editors) The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Eckstein. Susan and Catherine Krull. 2009. “From Building Barriers to Bridges: Cuban Ties across the Straits.”  Diplomacy and Statecraft 20(2): 322-340.

Pythian, Kelly, Carl Keane and Catherine Krull. 2008 “Family Structure and Parental Behavior: Identifying the Sources of Adolescent Self-Control.” Western Criminology Review, 9(2): 73-87.

Krull, Catherine. 2008. “Families First? An Assessment of Quebec’s Family Policies.” Canadian Review of Social Policy 59: 93-101.

Krull, C. and F. Trovato.  2003. “Collapse of the Cradle: A Comprehensive Framework of Fertility Decline in Quebec: 1941-1991.” Canadian Studies in Population: Special Issue in Honor of Anatole Romaniuc.

Pierce, D., R. Stratkotter, R.A. Sydie and C. Krull. 2003. "Social Labels and Judgments: The Meaning of the Term 'Feminist' for Social Interaction" Psychology of Women Quarterly.

Shortt, S., S. Drake, C. Krull and K. Parent. 2002 “Physician Satisfaction with Availability of Time: A Comparison under Two Payment Methods.” Annales of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, 35(8).

Krull, C. and B. McKercher. September 2002. “The Press, Public Opinion and Government Policy in Britain, 1932-1934.” Diplomacy and Statecraft 13(3): 103-36.

Krull, Catherine. 2001. “Quebec's Alternative to Pronatalism.”  Population Today, November/December. U.S. Population Reference Bureau, Washington, D.C. 

Krull, Catherine. 2000. “Fertility Change in Quebec: An Age, Period Cohort Analysis.” Canadian Studies in Population, Special Edition on Family Demography, Vol. 27(1): pp. 159-180.

VanBrunshcot, E., Sydie, R. and Krull, C. 1999.  "Images of Prostitution: The Prostitute and Print Media." Women and Criminal Justice, Vol. 10, No. 4: pp. 47-72.

Krull, Catherine and D. Pierce.  (1996). "IQ Testing in America: a Victim of It's Own Success." The Alberta Journal of Educational Research (Special Issue: Canadian Perspectives on The Bell Curve), XLI(3): 349-354.

Krull, C. and F. Trovato.  (1994). "The Quiet Revolution and the Sex Differential in Quebec's Suicide Rates: 1931-1986".  Social Forces 72(4):1121-1147.

Krull, Catherine D. (1994). "Level of Education, Sexual Promiscuity and AIDS".  The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, XL(1):7-20.

Book Chapters (Refereed)

In Press/Forthcoming/Submitted

Krull, Catherine and Jean Stubbs. (Submitted, November 2013) “’Not Miami’: Cubans Living in Toronto and Montreal” In Cynthia Wright and Lana Wylie’s (Eds) ‘Other Diplomacies’: Canada-Cuban Relations (U of T Press, 23 pp.).

Krull, Catherine and Jean Stubbs. (Submitted, August 2013) “Commodification, Cityscapes, and Cultural Negotiations of Belonging in ‘New Cuban Diasporas’ In Nadine Fernandez and Ariana Hernandez-Reguant’s (Eds.) The Cuban Diaspora. Post-Soviet Migrations and Exiles, University Press of Florida, Chapter 1, 32 pp).


Krull, Catherine. (2014) “Cuba`s Global Impact.” In C.  Krull`s. (Ed.). Cuba in a Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism and Transnationalism. University of Florida Press, Pp. 6-25.

Krull, Catherine. (2013) “Investing in Families and Children: Family Policies in Canada.” In Patrizia Albanese and David Cheal, (Eds.) Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives.  Oxford University Press. Chapter 15, Pp. 292-317.

Krull, Catherine. (2012) “Does ‘the Family’ Exist?” In Hird, M.J. and Pavlich, G. (Eds.) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Second Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 90-102.

Krull, Catherine. (2011). “Privileging the Nuclear Family Model: Moving beyond Essentialisms, Universalisms and Binaries.” In Krull and Sempruchs (Eds) Demystifying the Family/Paid Work Contradiction: Challenges and Possibilities, University of British Columbia Press. Pp. 11-30

Krull, Catherine and Justyna Sempruch. (2011). “Diversifying the Model, Demystifying the Approach: The Work-Family Debate Reopened.” In Krull and Sempruchs Demystifying the Family/Paid Work Contradiction: Challenges and Possibilities, University of British Columbia Press. Pp. 1-11.

Krull, Catherine. 2010. “Chapter 15: Investing in Families and Children: Family Policies in Canada.” In David Cheal, (Ed.) Canadian Families Today, Oxford University Press. Pp. 254-273.

Rutherford, Scott, Sean Mills, Susan Lord, Catherine Krull, and Karen Dubinsky (Eds.). 2009. “Chapter 1: Defining the Global 1960s.” New World Coming: The 1960s and the Shaping of Global Consciousness. Toronto: BTL Press. Pp. 1-19.

Krull, Catherine. 2007. “Families and the State: Family Policy in Canada.” In David Cheal (Ed.) Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives. Oxford University Press.

Krull, Catherine. 2006. “Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Family Life” Chapter 2 in A. Ambert, Changing Families: Relationships in Context.  Toronto: Pearson Education . pp. 31-57.

Krull, Catherine. 2006. “Cultural Diversity and Adaptation: Canada’s Ethnic and Immigrant Families Minority-Group Status.” Chapter 4 in A. Ambert’s Changing Families: Relationships in Context. Toronto: Pearson Education. Pp. 86-116.

Krull, Catherine. 2003. “Pronatalism, Feminism and Family Policy in Quebec.” In M. Lynn (Ed.) Voices: Essays on Canadian Families, Second Edition. Toronto: Nelson Thomson, Chapter 11.

Krull, Catherine and F. Trovato. 1999. "The Quiet Revolution and Fertility in Quebec, 1931-1991." In Contributions to Family Demography: Essays in Honour of Dr. Wayne W. McVey, Jr., Population Research Laboratory, University of Alberta, pp. 135-171.

Krull, Catherine and David Pierce.  (1997). “Behavior Analysis and Demography: Government Control of Reproductive Behavior and Fertility in the Province of Quebec, Canada.”  In P. A. Lamal (ed.) Cultural Contingencies: Behavior Analytic Perspectives on Cultural Practices.  New York: Praeger, Chapter 5.

Krull, Catherine.  (1996). "From the King's Daughters to the Quiet Revolution: A Historical Overview of Family Structures and the Role of Women in Quebec."  In Marion Lynn (Ed.) Voices: Essays on Canadian Families.  Toronto: Nelson Canada, 369-396.

VanBrunschot, E., C. Krull, and R.A. Sydie.  (1994). "Sexuality, Modernity and Postmodernity: The Prostitute's Account."  In Dawn Curry and Brian McLean (Eds.) Social Inequality, Social Justice. Vancouver: Collective Press, 57-72.

McVey, W., L. Larson, C. Hobart, and C. Krull. (1994). "Marriages and Families in Canada".  In W. Meloff and W.D. Pierce (Eds.)  Introduction to Sociology. Toronto: Nelson Canada, 283-310.