Morgan Schaeffere

Morgan Schaeffere
Area of expertise

Clinical Psychology


Dr. Theone Paterson


Research Interests

Broadly, my research and clinical interests focus on the interplay between neurocognition, psychosocial functioning, and chronic illness, particularly in aging populations. My doctoral research is looking to explore the effects of cannabis use on physical, psychosocial, and neurocognitive functioning in older adults experiencing chronic pain. The focus of my research is to explore novel assessments and treatments with the goal of maximizing quality of life from a biopsychosocial perspective in older adults and those experiencing chronic illness.


Representative publications

Schaeffer, M.J., Weerawardhena, H., Becker, S., & Callahan, B.L. (2022). Capturing daily-life executive impairments in adults: Does the choice of neuropsychological tests matter? Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. Advance online publication.

Schaeffer, M.J., Chan, L., Barber, P.A. (2021) The neuroimaging of neurodegenerative and vascular disease in the secondary prevention of cognitive decline. Neural Regeneration Research, 16(8), 1490-1499.


Representative Presentations

Schaeffer, M.J., & Paterson, T.S.E (2023, February). The effect of personality traits on the development of predementia syndromes: Results from the Einstein Aging Study. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychology Society Conference, San Diego, CA.

Schaeffer, M.J., Reaume, N., Wang, M., Aftab, A., Pan, A., Tariq, S., Reid, M., Smith, E.E., d’Esterre, C., & Barber, P.A. (2022, June). Medial temporal atrophy scores do not predict neuropsychological performance one year after TIA. Poster presented at CPA’s 83rd Annual National Convention, Calgary, AB.


Recent Awards

  • 2023: Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CIHR)
  • 2023: CPA Clinical Neuropsychology Section Student Research Award
  • 2021: Arthur Lester Benton Award
  • 2021: Ruth A. Gardner Award
  • 2020: Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters (CIHR)