Hannah Mohun

Hannah Mohun
Office: Cornett B030
Area of expertise

Clinical Psychology (Lifespan)

Research interests

One of my research interests is the development of social cognition in young children. My master’s thesis focused on theory of mind and visual perspective-taking and the relative difficulty of tasks used to measure these constructs during the pre-school years.

In another line of research, I am interested in somatic symptom disorders and emotion regulation. I want to investigate how adolescents who experience clinical somatization differ from other clinical populations, such as adolescents with primary mood and anxiety disorders.


Representative Publications

Mahy, C. E. V., Mohun, H., Mueller, U., & Moses, L. J. (2016). The role of subvocal rehearsal in preschool children’s prospective memory. Cognitive Development, 39, 189-196.


Representative presentations

Mohun, H., & Mueller, U. (2019, June). Prospective relations between parent-reported sleep and behaviour problems in preschoolers. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Portland, Oregon.

Mohun, H., & Mueller, U. (2018, June). Theory of mind and perspective-taking in preschoolers. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Mohun, H., Mahy, C. E. V., Mueller, U., & Moses, L. J. (2016, June). Prospective memory in preschool children: The role of subvocal rehearsal. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, IL.


Recent awards

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Award, 2017-2020
  • Canadian Psychological Association Award of Academic Excellence for Master’s Thesis, 2018
  • President’s Research Scholarship, University of Victoria, 2017
  • Graduate Fellowship, University of Victoria, 2016-2017
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Master’s Award, 2015-2016