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Current graduate students

Aleah Ross, clinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Megan Ames

Alejandra Contreraslifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Maurcio Garcia-Barrera

Alice Shenclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Brianna Turner

Alison Chungclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Theone Paterson

Andrew Switzerclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Brianna Turner

Ashleigh Parkerclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Jodie Gawryluk

Baeleigh Vanderzwaggclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Maurcio Garcia-Barrera

Bennett King-Nyberg, cognition and brain science, supervised by Dr. Steve Lindsay

Brandon Justussocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Nigel Mantou Lou

Breanna McCrearylifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Jonathan Rush

Buse Bedirclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Sarah Macoun

Carolyn Helpsclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Brianna Turner

Christina Robillardclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Brianna Turner

Cian Dabrowskiclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Theone Paterson

Cole Kennedyclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Maurcio Garcia-Barrera

Colleen Laceyclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Jodie Gawryluk

Debra Torokclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Catherine Costigan

Drexler Ortizclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Catherine Costigan

Elisa Dosocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Danu Stinson

Elysia Desgrosseillierssocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Danu Stinson

Emilie Longtinclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Catherine Costigan

Emmett Sihoeclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Megan Ames

Eric Mahcognition and brain science, supervised by Dr. Steve Lindsay

Erin Lightclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Ulrich Mueller

Erin Loweysocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Danu Stinson

Hannah Mohunclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Ulrich Mueller

Hayley Caseyclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Jodie Gawryluk

Heather Kwanclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Jodie Gawryluk

Heba Elgharbawyclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Megan Ames

Helia Sehat-Pourlifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Andrea Piccinin

lmran Tatlasocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Nigel Mantou Lou

Jessica Lewisclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Sarah Macoun

Jessica Liclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Catherine Costigan

Jie Liclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Catherine Costigan

John Sheehan, individualized program, supervised by Dr. Sarah Macoun

Julie Prudhommeclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Jodie Gawryluk

Kelby Mullinsocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Danu Stinson

Kimberly Ningsocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Nigel Mantou Lou

Kingsley lvandesocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Nigel Mantou Lou

Lauren Mathesonclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Erica Woodin

Lauren Quallsclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Colette Smart

Liz (Elizabeth) Williams, individualized program, supervised by Dr. Ulrich Mueller

Lorna Breenclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Erica Woodin

Madeleine MacDonaldsocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Danu Stinson

Madeline Doucetteclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Maurcio Garcia-Barrera

Madeline Gregoryclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Theone Paterson

Maria Stepanyansocial psychology, supervised by Dr. Frederick Grouzet

McKenna Knoxclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Emily A.P. Haigh

Michaella Tritescognition and brain science, supervised by Dr. James Tanaka

Morgan Schaefferclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Theone Paterson

Nazanin Babaeiclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Colette Smart

Nazanin Saadatclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Jodie Gawryluk

Noah Cainlifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Paweena Sukhawathanakul

Otis Geddeslifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Jonathan Rush

Patrick Nicollclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Erica Woodin

Peter Sugrue, individualized program, supervised by Dr. Andrea Piccinin

Philippe Brunetclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Sarah Macoun

Quinn Storeyclinical psychology, supervised byDr. Erica Woodin

Sabrina Francescangelisocial psychologyDr. Frederick Grouzet

Samuel Lloyd, individualized program, Dr. Katya Rhodes

Sean Morganclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Erica Woodin

Sunny Guoclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Sarah Macoun

Sybil Goulet-Stocklifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Tim Stockwell

Tara Cooperlifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Andrea Piccinin

Taylor Agateclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Maurcio Garcia-Barrera

Tessa Chomistekclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Sarah Macoun

Travis Menuzclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Megan Ames

Violet Ciesliklifespan health and development, supervised by Dr. Ulrich Mueller

Yaewon Kimclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Sarah Macoun

Zoe Gilsonclinical psychology, supervised by Dr. Theone Paterson