Violet Cieslik

Violet Cieslik
Area of expertise

Lifespan Health and Development


Dr. Ulrich Mueller 

Research interests

My research focuses on the associations between external influences and environments, such as screen-time, media, schooling type, and recreational involvement, on child development. Currently, my research at the University of Victoria is on the development of creativity in school aged children.

My previous work at St. Mary’s University largely focused on the relationship between screen time and child development. Specifically, I looked at preschool aged populations and the associations between screen time and behavioural, emotional, and social strengths and difficulties. 

Representative publications

Cieslik, V. V., & Ireland, A. (2020). Associations between screen time and consequent behavioral, emotional, and social strengths and difficulties in preschool populations. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Recent awards

  • 2021 – 2022 University of Victoria Fellowship – M.Sc
  • 2020 – 2021 Providence Scholarship – B.A.
  • 2019 Jason Lang Scholarship – B.A.