Alison Chung

Alison Chung
Office: COR A069D
Area of expertise

Clinical Psychology


Dr. Theone Paterson


Research Interests

As a clinical psychology student, I aspire to better understand healthy aging from a neuropsychological lens. I am particularly interested in older adult populations, and their experiences of dementias, chronic conditions, and neurodegeneration. I am also interested in neurocognitive and psychosocial risk and protective factors of cognitive health in adults generally.


Representative Publications

Chung, A.F., Teasell, M.J, Pergher, V.I., Thornton, A.E., & Loken Thornton, W. (2023). Fear of COVID-19 is associated with trust, subjective numeracy, and differentially with loneliness in older versus younger adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

Chung, A.F., Teasell, M., Pergher, V.I., Thornton, A.E., & Loken Thornton, W.J. (2022). Differential Associations with Loneliness, Subjective Numeracy and Fear of Covid 19 in Older and Younger Adults. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University.

Chung, A. F., Wang, C. L-J., Luk, Y. C., Jenkins, H. T., & Mahmood, A. (2022) The Challenges of Hearing Disability and Age-Informed Citizen Science During COVID-19 [Manuscript in preparation]. Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University.

Chung, A. F. (2022). A Review of The Paradoxical Effects of Microglia in Ischemic Stroke and the Future of Treatment. Simon Fraser University Science Undergraduate Research Journal, 6, 1-8.


Representative Presentations

Mahmood, A., Seetharaman, K., Jenkins, H.T., Rikhtehgaran, F., & Chung, A.F. (2022, July 4-8). The influence of the neighbourhood built environment on the outdoor mobility of people with visual and hearing disabilities: a scoping review [Presentation]. International Association of People-Environment Studies Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal.

Chung, A.F., Teasell, M., Thornton, A.E., & Thornton, W.J.L. (2022, June 17). Numeracy and loneliness contribute to fear of Covid-19 in older and younger adults [Poster]. Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Calgary, AB.

Chung, A.F., Teasell, M., Thornton, A.E., & Loken Thornton, W.J. (2022, June 3). Numeracy, Loneliness, and Diabetes Mellitus as Predictors of Fear of Covid-19 in Younger and Older Adults. [Paper Presentation]. The 2nd International Conference on Research in Psychology. Oxford, UK.


Recent Awards

  • University of Victoria Faculty of Graduate Studies Fellowship
  • University of Victoria Graduate Entrance Award
  • Undergraduate Student Research Award (Social Sciences & Humanities) (2021)