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MA major research paper stream

MA students taking the project-based option must complete 9 units of coursework and complete a major research paper worth 6 units. This program option is designed to be completed in 12 months.


To complete the coursework, you need 9 units of courses. Two of these courses must be political science graduate field seminars, usually POLI 508 and 540.

You also need to take POLI 505 unless you get written exemption from your supervisor. In that case, you must complete an extra 1.5 units of political science graduate coursework.

You can finish your coursework by taking advanced political science classes, senior undergraduate courses, directed readings or graduate courses in another department.

Get more details in the graduate handbook.

Major research paper

The major research paper (POLI 598) is based on an independent research project, normally 40-50 pages. If your supervisory committee approves, you may write a research paper on a political science topic for an external organization, like an employer or a non-profit.

Get more details in the graduate handbook.