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will Greaves

Associate Professor, Undergraduate Director and Honours Adviser

Political Science

Office: DTB A341
PhD (2016) (Toronto)
Area of expertise:
Global security, international relations, Arctic politics, Canadian foreign policy, environmental politics

Office hours

Spring 2025 term: by appointment.


  • securitization and security theory
  • human and environmental security
  • climate change
  • natural resource extraction
  • Arctic politics
  • Canadian foreign policy

About Dr. Greaves

Will Greaves is associate professor of international relations at the University of Victoria, where his research focuses on global politics and security, climate change and energy, Indigenous peoples, Canadian foreign policy and the circumpolar Arctic. Professor Greaves is author of more than 30 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and has co-edited 2 books: Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic and One Arctic: The Arctic Council and Circumpolar Governance.

He is Lead for Climate Change and Security with three federally-funded research networks: the North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN), the Canadian Defence and Security Network (CDSN), and the Réseau d’analyse stratégique (RAS). His research has received funding from the Department of National Defence, Global Affairs Canada, UVic and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Professor Greaves holds a PhD in political science from the University of Toronto (2016), MA from the University of Calgary (2009), and BA (Honours) from Bishop's University (2006). He was previously Lecturer at the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice at the University of Toronto and Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Sami Studies at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

He teaches courses and supervises graduate students in the areas of international relations, Arctic and environmental politics, Canadian foreign policy and global security.


Dr. Greaves teaches courses on international relations.

Teaching 2024-25

Fall 2024:

Spring 2025:

Previous courses taught:
  • POLI 240: International Politics
  • POLI 323: Politics and Film
  • POLI 326: Politics of the Global Arctic
  • POLI 346: Canadian Foreign Policy
  • POLI 433/533: "Causes of War and Peace" (Seminar)
  • POLI 440/533: "Understanding Global Security" (Seminar)



  • 2021. Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (co-edited with P. Whitney Lackenbauer)
  • 2017. One Arctic: The Arctic Council and Circumpolar Governance. Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Resources Committee and Centre for Foreign Policy and Federalism. (co-edited with P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Heather Nicol)

Selected articles

  • Forthcoming 2023. "Human Security, Climate Change, and the Role of the Canadian Armed Forces: British Columbia, 2021." Canadian Military Journal Special Issue on “Climate Change and Security.”
  • Forthcoming 2023. "Climate Change, Environmental Diplomacy, and Arctic Security in the Study of Foreign Policy. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (Special Issue on "Situating the Arctic in Canadian Foreign Policy Analysis"). (with Gabriella Gricius)
  • 2021. "Climate Change and Security in Canada." International Journal 76 (2): 183-203.
  • 2020. "Democracy, Donald Trump, and the Canada-U.S. Security Community." Canadian Journal of Political Science 53 (4): 800-820.
  • 2019. "Arctic Break Up: Climate change, geopolitics, and the fragmenting Arctic security region." Arctic Yearbook 2019: Redefining Arctic Security, 1-17.
  • 2019. "First Nations, LNG Canada, and the Politics of Anti-Pipeline Protests." LNG Series. June. Calgary: Canadian Global Affairs Institute. (with P. Whitney Lackenbauer)
  • 2018. "Damaging Environments: Land, Settler Colonialism, and Security for Indigenous Peoples." Environment and Society 9, no. 1 (Special Issue on "Indigenous Resurgence, Decolonization, and Movements for Environmental Justice"): 107-124.
  • 2017. "'Soft’ Securitization and the Arctic Council." Politik: Special Issue on Arctic International Relations in a Widened Security Perspective 20 (3): 31-46. (with Daniel Pomerants)
  • 2016. "Arctic In/Security and Indigenous Peoples: Comparing Inuit in Canada and Sámi in Norway." Security Dialogue 47 (6): 461-480.
  • 2016. "Securing Sustainability: The Case for Critical Environmental Security in the Arctic." Polar Record 52 (6): 660-671.
  • 2016. "Articulating the Arctic: Contrasting State and Inuit Maps of the Canadian North." Polar Record 52 (6): 630-644. (with Mia Bennett, Rudolf Riedlsperger, and Alberic Botella)
  • 2014. "Naturally Insecure: Critical Environmental Security and Critical Security Studies in Canada." Critical Studies on Security 2 (1): 81-104.
  • 2013. "Risking Rupture: Integral Accidents and In/Security in Canada’s Bitumen Sands." Journal of Canadian Studies 47 (3): 169-199.
  • 2012. "For Whom, From What?  Canada’s Arctic Policy and the Narrowing of Human Security." International Journal 67 (1): 219-240.

Selected book chapters

  • 2023. "NATO and Human Security: Broad or Narrow?" and "Climate-Disasters and Human Insecurity: British Columbia 2021." In Evolving Human Security: Frameworks and Considerations for Canada’s Military, eds. Shannon Lewis-Simpson and Sarah Jane Meharg, 136-142. Kingston: Canadian Defence Academy. (with Peter Kikkert)
  • 2021. "Youth Anxiety and Pathological Security-Seeking in Turbulent Times." In Teaching International Relations in a Time of Disruption, eds. Heather A. Smith and David Hornsby, 143-168. Cham: Palgrave.
  • 2021 "National Security and the High North: Post-Cold War Arctic Security Policy in Norway." In Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic, eds. Wilfrid Greaves and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 97-116. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • 2020 "Indigenous Peoples." In Handbook on Arctic Security, eds. Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Marc Lanteigne, and Horatio Sam-Aggrey, 363-376. London: Routledge.
  • 2020. "Assessing Security Governance in the Arctic." In Handbook on Arctic Security, eds. Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Mark Lanteigne, and Horatio Sam-Aggrey, 43-56. London: Routledge. (with Andrew Chater and Leah Sarson)
  • 2020. "Cities and Human Security in a Warming Arctic." In Climate Change and Security: Searching for a Paradigm Shift, eds. Lassi Heininen and Heather Exner-Pirot, 61-89. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • 2018. "Colonialism, Statehood, and Sámi in Norden and the Norwegian High North." In Human and Societal Security in the Circumpolar Arctic: Local and Indigenous Communities, eds. Kamrul Hossain, José Roncero Martín, and Anna Petrétei, 100-121. Leiden: Brill.
  • 2017. "Environmental Security, Energy Security, and the Arctic in the Obama Presidency." In One Arctic: The Arctic Council and Circumpolar Governance, eds. P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Heather Nicol, and Wilfrid Greaves, 101-125. Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Resources Committee and Centre for Foreign Policy and Federalism.
  • 2016. "Environment, Identity, Autonomy: Inuit Perspectives on Arctic Security." In Understanding the Many Faces of Human Security: Perspectives of Northern Indigenous Peoples, eds. Kamrul Hossain and Anna Petrétei, 35-55. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
  • 2012. "Insecurities of Non-Dominance: Re-Theorizing Human Security and Environmental Change in Developed States." In Natural Resources and Social Conflict: Towards Critical Environmental Security, eds. Matthew A. Schnurr and Larry A. Swatuk, 63-82. New York: Palgrave.