Kali McDougall

Kali McDougall
MSc Student (Randall Scharien)
Microwave remote sensing of ice, synoptic meteorology, cryosphere; climate change; geomatics; glacial hydrology
Office: DTB A247

BSc Honours (UVic)


  • McDougall, K. (2022). Synoptic drivers of ice-jam flooding in the Peace-Athabasca Delta. Northern Research Day. Edmonton, AB.
  • McDougall, K. (2023). SAR-based detection of rifts on the Larsen C Ice Shelf. UVic Graduate Student Conference. Victoria, BC.
  • McDougall, K. (2023). Detection of rifts on the Larsen C Ice Shelf using C- and L-band synthetic aperture radar. APECS International Online Conference.


  • 2021-2022 Honours in Geography, UVIC
  • University of Victoria Graduate Award
  • Education Achievement Bursary, BC Youth Federation
  • Northern Scientific Training Fund, POLAR Knowledge Canada