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Centre for Global Studies (CFGS)

Centre for Global Studies
University of Victoria
Sedgewick Building
Centre for Global Studies
3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road)
Victoria, BC
Centre for Global Studies
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC
On internet:

Department Listings:

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Group/Position Name Telephone Office E-mail
General Office Enquiries Lia Lancaster 250-472-4990 SED C173
FAX 250-472-4830

Centre for Global Studies

Director Oliver Schmidtke 250-472-4726 SED C178
Operations Director & Research Coordinator Jodie Walsh 250-721-8800 SED C177
Finance and Special Projects Manager Jennifer Swift SED C173

Borders in Globalization Program

Project Lead Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly 250-721-6418 SED C194
Co-Principle Investigator | Pillar 1: Indigenous Internationalism & Nationhood Jeff Corntassel CLE CLE B304
Research Program Manager, Borders in Globalization & Jean Monnet Network Heather Currie SED C195
Database Coordinator and Senior Research Assistant Maria Finnsdottir
Indigenous Research Coordinator Braelynn Abercrombie

CIFAL Victoria

Director Crystal Tremblay BEC 423
Associate Director Nicole Bates-Eamer SED C188
Communications Assistant Bethany Woodbridge

Europe Canada Network (EUCAnet)

Project Co-Lead Oliver Schmidtke 250-472-4726 SED C178
Project Co-Lead Beate Schmidtke 250-721-7490 DTB A345
Communications and Media Officer Fazila Mat

POLIS Project on Ecological Governance

Co Director Kelly Bannister SED C198
Co Director Oliver Brandes SED C198
Research Lead & Project Manager - on leave Rosie Simms 250-721-8189 SED C199
Communications Director Laura Brandes SED C197
Project Coordinator and Communications Assistant Shayla Auld
Researcher & Event Assistant Amanda Merritt

European Studies Program

Acting Director Paul Schure
Program Coordinator Brooke Isherwood 250-721-7789 SED C192

Survivor-Centred Visual Narratives project

Project Lead Charlotte Schallie 250-721-7321 CLE D250
Project Manager Jennifer Sauter SED CFGS

UNESCO Co-Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Ed

Co-Chair Budd Hall SED C189
Programme Manager, IDRC DECODE project Maeva Gauthier 250-208-5924 DTB B323
Coordinator, Mentor Training Programme (MTP) Olivia Almeida

UNESCO Co-Chair in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development (ECD)

Co-Chair Alan Pence
Development Development
Executive Development Executive Development
Student Development & Success Student Development and Success
Business & Industry Devlmnt Centre for Business & Industry Development
HSD Research Centre Faculty of Human & Social Development Research Centre
Human & Social Devlmnt Faculty of Human and Social Development
Athletcs&Recreatnl Services Athletics & Recreational Services
Partnership Development Officer
CanAssist CanAssist
Technology Development
Centre for Global Studies Centre for Global Studies
UNESCO Co-Chair in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development (ECD)
Co-op and Career Co-operative Education Program and Career Services
Employment Development Officer
Co-op and Career Co-operative Education Program and Career Services
Employment Development Officer
Co-op and Career Co-operative Education Program and Career Services
Employment Development Officer
Human Resources Department of Human Resources
Organization Development & Learning Services
Development Development
Development Officer, Library
Development Development
Development Officer, Humanities
Development Development
Senior Development Officer
Development Development
Development Officer, HSD
Development Development
Development Officer, Fine Arts
Development Development
Senior Development Officer, Social Science
Development Development
Communications Content Specialist, Alumni & Development
Development Development
Director of University Development
Development Development
Senior Development Officer, Business
Development Development
Development Officer, Legacy Giving
Development Development
Development Coordinator, Business
Development Development
Senior Development Officer, Law
Development Development
Alumni & Development Communications Officer
Development Development
Development Coordinator, Law
Development Development
Director of Faculty Development
Development Development
General Office, Development
Development Development
Development Coordinator, Faculty
Development Development
Alumni & Development Communications
Development Development
Faculty of Development
Development Development
Development Officer, Education
Development Development
Development Coordinator, Principal Gifts & Corporate and Foundation Relations
Development Development
University Development
Development Development
Faculty of Human and Social Development
Development Development
Associate Vice-President, Alumni & Development
Development Development
Development Officer
Development Development
Senior Development Officer
Continuing Studies Division of Continuing Studies
Program and Partnership Development
Div L & T Support Innovation Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation
Curriculum Development Specialist - Inclusion & Access
Div L & T Support Innovation Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation
Curriculum Development Specialist - STEM
Div L & T Support Innovation Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation
Manager, Curriculum Development & Renewal
Division of Student Affairs Division of Student Affairs
Student Development & Success (SDAS)
Division of Student Affairs Division of Student Affairs
Senior Development Officer
Facilities Management Facilities Management
Capital Development & Delivery
Education Faculty of Education
Development Officer -Vacant
Engineering & Computer Science Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Senior Development Officer
Engineering & Computer Science Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Associate Dean, Professional Programs and Development
Engineering & Computer Science Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Development Coordinator
Engineering & Computer Science Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Fine Arts Faculty of Fine Arts
Alumni and Development
Fine Arts Faculty of Fine Arts
Development Officer
Human & Social Devlmnt Faculty of Human and Social Development
Development Officer
Humanities Faculty of Humanities
Development Officer
Law Faculty of Law
Law Senior Development Officer
Law Faculty of Law
Development Coordinator
Science Faculty of Science
Development Officer
Science Faculty of Science
Alumni & Development
Social Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences
Senior Development Officer
Ocean Networks Canada Society Ocean Networks Canada Society
Associate Director Software Development
Ocean Networks Canada Society Ocean Networks Canada Society
Testing and Development Manager
Business Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
National Consortium for Indigenous Economic Development (NCIED)
Business Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Development Coordinator
Business Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Senior Development Officer
Business Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Employment Development Officer
PEA - Prof Employees Assn Professional Employees Association
Human & Social Development
Residence Services Residence Services
Coordinator, Student Development
Public Administration School of Public Administration
Master of Arts in Community Development; Graduate Evaluation programs
Student Development & Success Student Development and Success
Student Development & Success
UVic Online UVic Online Systems
Development Services
UVic Online UVic Online Systems
Associate Director, Development Services
Undergrad Records & Gradn Serv Undergraduate Records and Graduation Services
Business, Human & Social Development
UVic Communications +Marketing University Communications + Marketing
Manager, Digital Development and UX
UVic Communications +Marketing University Communications + Marketing
Digital Development and UX
UVic Communications +Marketing University Communications + Marketing
Web UX and Digital Development Officer